【China Daily】Measures to cool housing sector set to continue
发布时间:2017-03-13 浏览次数:4335次

3月13日,《China Daily》刊发上海高级金融学院金融学教授、中国金融研究院副院长钱军的采访报道,他表示,有关措施将使得住宅板块持续降温,房地产市场稳步健康发展。

Measures to cool housing sector set to continue

City-specific measures will continue to be used to help stabilize the healthy development of the housing market in cities at all levels, striking a balance between deleveraging purchases in key cities and reducing inventories in others, according to analysts

Measures to help stabilize the real estate market were reaffirmed in the Government Work Report, delivered by Premier Li Keqiang on March 5 during the opening meeting of the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress

In large cities, a measure that covers each step in property transactions, including developers and agents, will be used to ensure the housing market does not overheat. Meanwhile, steps will be taken to reduce inventories in lower-tier cities and provide those who are not properly housed or live in shantytowns with access to better housing, the report said.

原文链接: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-03/13/content_28527704.htm