【Shanghai Daily】SAIF ranked high
发布时间:2016-06-21 浏览次数:7111次

6月20日上午,英国《金融时报》公布了2016年全球金融硕士项目排名,创办仅七年、首度参与评选的上海交通大学上海高级金融学院的金融硕士项目位列亚洲第二,全球第二十八名,并一举成为投资回报率排名亚洲第一、全球第二的金融硕士项目。6月21日,《Shanghai Daily》对此进行了报道。

SAIF ranked high

THE Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) was ranked second in Asia for its Master in Finance (MF) programs in the Financial Times’ annual ranking list. It was ranked 28th globally when the list was released yesterday. In terms of value for money, SAIF, which was established in 2009, ranked first in Asia and second globally. It also outshined its peers in Asia in the areas of international mobility, international course experience, and faculty with doctorates. The 2016 edition saw 55 schools included in the ranking.

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