【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授做客《China 24》解读2014APEC会议
发布时间:2014-08-25 浏览次数:6405次
8月20日,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)副院长、金融学教授朱宁担任CCTV NEWS《China 24》栏目评论嘉宾,就在京举行的2014年亚太经合组织(APEC)第三轮高官会作出解读,朱宁教授认为此次会议将更多围绕经济而展开,新兴经济体需通过对话寻找应对全球金融体系变化的方案。

Host: For more on the APEC meeting,we are joined by professor Zhu Ning from Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance of Shanghai Jiaotong University, welcome to our program, professor Zhu. There are three rounds of senior official meetings being held in Beijing this year, what do you think of the major highlight and the difference of this one from the previous one.
Professor Zhu: I think probably the focus of this meeting will be centered around economies, given the tempering of QE by the US federal reserve, I think emerging economies overall or Asian economies overall are fitting the true, I think the countries would have to talk and discuss more about how to find out a solution to react to such a change in the global financial system, and more importantly in a longer one, how to build a new global economic and financial system that is beneficial to APEC countries.
Host: And we all know that senior official meeting is setting the agenda for the final APEC economic leader meeting in November this year, how do you think the progress so far?
Professor Zhu: I think my reading of the progress is pretty encouraging, I think the talk is well on track, the discussion has been frank and constructive, I think like any other major negotiations, there will be given some takes, but I think given the share of interest among the APEC countries and given that they have now more common interests than differences, I think there will be a lot of progress to be made in this upcoming event.   

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