Liu, Yunchuan, Sunil Gupta, and Z. John Zhang. Note on Self-Restraint as an Online Entry-Deterrence Strategy. Management Science, 2006, 52 (11): 1799-1809.
Liu, Yunchuan, and Z. John Zhang. Research Note: The Benefits of Personalized Pricing in a Channel. Marketing Science, 2006, 25 (1): 97-105.
Chen, Yuxin, Sridhar Moorthy and Z. John Zhang. Price Discrimination After the Purchase: A Note on Rebates As State-Dependent Discounts. Management Science, 2005, 51 (7): 1131-1140.
Raju, Jagmohan, and Z. John Zhang. Channel Coordination in the Presence of a Dominant Retailer. Marketing Science, 2005, 24 (2): 254–262.
Narasimhan, Chakravarthi, Chuan He, Eric Anderson, Lyle Brenner, Preyas Desai, Dmitri Kuksov, Paul Messinger, Sridhar Moorthy, Joseph Nunes, Yuval Rottenstreich, Rick Staelin, George Wu, and Z. John Zhang. Incorporating Behavioral Anomalies in Strategic Models. Marketing Letters, 2005, 16 (3): 361-373.
Fruchter, Gila E., and Z. John Zhang. Dynamic Targeted Promotions: A Customer Retention and Acquisition Perspective. Journal of Service Research, 2004, 7 (1): 3-19.
Jedidi, Kamel, and Z. John Zhang. Augmenting Conjoint Analysis to Estimate Consumer Reservation Price. Management Science, 2002, 48 (10): 1350-1368.
Shaffer, Greg, and Z. John Zhang. Competitive One-to-One Promotions. Management Science, 2002, 48 (9): 1143-1160.
Feinberg, Fred, Aradhna Krishna and Z. John Zhang. Do We Care What Others Get? A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions. Journal of Marketing Research, 2002, 39 (3): 277-291.
Essegaier, Skander, Sunil Gupta, and Z. John Zhang. Pricing Access Services. Marketing Science, 2002, 21 (2): 160-177.
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