Money Capital: New Monetary Principles for a More Prosperous Society

作者:Patrick Bolton, Haizhou Huang 出版时间:2024年01月

A conventional economic theory, monetarism, holds that inflation is a monetary phenomenon driven by changes in the supply of money. Yet recent experience—including the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008 and the economic development of China—contradict this basic prediction. In this book, leading economists Patrick Bolton and Haizhou Huang offer a novel perspective, viewing monetary economics through the lens of corporate finance. They propose a richer theory, where money can be seen as the equity capital of a nation, playing a similar role as stocks for a company. This innovative framework integrates the real and monetary sides of the economy, with a banking sector and debt at its core. In the financial world, companies issue new shares only if it results in some kind of value creation; this is a basic principle of corporate finance that Bolton and Huang argue can be applied to monetary economics. When the government increases the money supply to finance positive net value investments—when it prints money to keep the economy going—it increases output, not inflation. This is evidenced by the strong growth in GDP and money in China over the last four decades, and in the United States during World War II. The effect of increasing money supply, they argue, depends on how money enters the system and what the money buys. The principles outlined by Bolton and Huang shed new light on a range of issues, including inflation, monetary and fiscal policy, central banking, money and growth, and the international monetary system. © 2024 by Princeton University Press.


投资者的敌人 新版

作者:朱宁 出版时间:2020年05月

投资者的敌人,是贪婪、恐惧与过度自信。 因为贪婪,在业绩好的时候,投资者会急功近利地承担更大的风险。因为恐惧,一旦看到风险增加或者蒙受损失,投资者往往会急于止损退出。而因为过度自信,投资者往往无法区分实力与运气,对自己和投资的认知非常有限。 《投资者的敌人》从行为金融学出发,研究了个人企业、机构投资者在投资过程中,因为贪婪、恐惧与过度自信,而经常出现的行为偏差,包括为了高收益追逐泡沫,为了满足高管的个人利益而忽视公司的长期效益,为了推高股价而故意误导投资者和监管层等,并援引了丰富的研究案例进行补充说明。 希望这本书可以帮助广大企业家、政策制定者、投资者更好地认识自己,更好地认识自己的投资理念和投资策略,从而获得更高的投资收益。
