Chen, Xinlei (Jack), George John, Julie M. Hays, Arthur V. Hill, and Susan E. Geurs. Learning from A Service Guarantee Quasi-Experiment. Journal of Marketing Research, 2009, 46 (5): 584-596.
Chen, Yuxin, and Z. John Zhang. Dynamic Targeted Pricing with Strategic Consumers. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009, 27 (1): 43-50.
Arora, Neeraj, Xavier Dreze, Anindya Ghose, James D. Hess, Raghuram Iyengar, Bing Jing, Yogesh Joshi, V. Kumar, Nicholas Lurie, Scott Neslin, S. Sajeesh, Meng Su, Niladri Syam, Jacquelyn Thomas, and Z. John Zhang. Putting One-to-One Marketing to Work: Personalization, Customization, and Choice. Marketing Letters, 2008, 19 (3-4): 305-321.
Cui, Tony Haitao, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang. A Price Discrimination Model of Trade Promotions. Marketing Science, 2008, 27 (5): 779-795.
Mehta, Nitin, Xinlei (Jack) Chen, and Om Narasimhan. Informing, Transforming, and Persuading: Disentangling the Multiple Effects of Advertising on Brand Choice Decisions. Marketing Science, 2008, 27 (3): 334-355.
Chen, Xinlei (Jack), George John, and Om Narasimhan. Assessing the Consequences of A Channel Switch. Marketing Science, 2008, 27 (3): 398-416.
Zhu, Rui, Xinlei (Jack) Chen, and Srabana Dasgupta. Exploring the Effect of Trade-In Value on Consumers' Willingness to Pay for the New Product. Journal of Marketing Research, 2008, 45 (2): 159-170.
Feinberg, Fred, Aradhna Krishna, and Z. John Zhang. Should Price Increases be Targeted?–Pricing Power and Selective versus Across-theboard Price Increases. Management Science, 2007, 53 (9): 1407-1422.
Cui, Tony Haitao, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Z. John Zhang. Fairness and Channel Coordination. Management Science, 2007, 53 (8): 1303-1314.
Eliashberg, Jehoshua, Sam K. Hui, and Z. John Zhang. From Storyline to Box Office: A New Approach for Green-Lighting Movie Scripts. Management Science, 2007, 53 (6): 881–893.
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