Buzacott, J. A., and David D. Yao. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Review of Analytical Models. Management Science, 1986, 32 (7): 890-905.

Buzacott, J. A., and D. D. Yao. On queueing network models of flexible manufacturing systems. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 1986, 1 (1): 5-27.

Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao. The Effect of Increasing Service Rates in a Closed Queueing Network. Journal of Applied Probability, 1986, 23 (2): 474-483.

David D. Yao. An optimal storage model for a flexible manufacturing system. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 1986.

Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott. The exponentialization approach to flexible manufacturing system models with general processing times. European Journal of Operational Research, 1986, 24 (3): 410-416.

Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott. Models of flexible manufacturing systems with limited local buffers. International Journal of Production Research, 1986, 24 (1): 107-117.

Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott. Modelling the performance of flexible manufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research, 1985, 23 (5): 945-959.

Yao, David D.. Refining the Diffusion Approximation for the M/G/m Queue. Operations Research, 1985, 33 (6): 1266-1277.

Yao, David D., and J. A. Buzacott. Modeling a class of state-dependent routing in flexible manufacturing systems. Annals of Operations Research, 1985, 3 (3): 153-167.

Yao, David D.. First-Passage-Time Moments of Markov Processes. Journal of Applied Probability, 1985, 22 (4): 939-945.