Yao, David D., and J. George Shanthikumar. Allocating a joint setup in a multi-cell system. Annals of Operations Research, 1988, 15 (1): 155-167.
Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao. Throughput bounds for closed queueing networks with queue-dependent service rates. Performance Evaluation, 1988, 9 (1): 69-78.
Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao. On Server Allocation in Multiple-Center Manufacturing Systems. Operations Research, 1988, 36 (2): 333-342.
Shanthikumar, J. George, and David D. Yao. Second-Order Properties of the Throughput of a Closed Queueing Network. Mathematics of Operations Research, 1988, 13 (3): 524-534.
Song, Jing-Sheng. Continuous-time Markov Decision Processes with Non-uniformly Bounded Transition Rates. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series, 1988, 31 (11): 1281-1291.
Dong, Z., and Jing-Sheng Song. A Secondary Approach to the Discounted Model in Semi-Markov Decision Processes. Science Bulletin, 1988, 1988 (6): 448-454.
T. Chi, J.J. Liu and Hong Chen. Optimal Stopping Rule for a Project with Uncertain Completion Time and Salvageability. Ieee Transactions on Engineering Management, 1987, 44 (1): 54-66.
Yao, David D.. The Arrangement of Servers in an Ordered-Entry System. Operations Research, 1987, 35 (5): 759-763.
Yao, David D, and S. C. Kim. Reducing the Congestion in a Class of Job Shops. Management Science, 1987, 33 (9): 1165-1172.
David D. Yao. Comparing ordered-entry queues with heterogeneous servers. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 1987, 2 (3): 235-244.
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