Yao, D.D.. S-modular games, with queueing. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 1995, 21 (3-4): 449-475.
Glasserman, Paul, and David D. Yao. Subadditivity and stability of a class of discrete-event systems. Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control, 1995, 40 (9): 1514-1527.
Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo. On Queueing Networks with Signals and History-Dependent Routing. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 1995, 9 (3): 341 - 354.
Chao, Xiuli. Networks of Queues with Customers, Signals and Arbitrary Service Time Distributions. Operations Research, 1995, 43 (3): 537-544.
Bardhan, Indrajit, and Xiuli Chao. Martingale Analysis for Assets with Discontinuous Returns. Mathematics of Operations Research, 1995, 20 (1): 243-256.
Chen, Hong. Fluid Approximations and Stability of Multiclass Queueing Networks: Work-Conserving Disciplines. Annals of Applied Probability, 1995, 5 (3): 637-665.
D. Atkins, H. Chen. Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Control of Queueing Networks: Fluid Model Heuristics. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 1995, 21 (3-4): 391-413.
Chao, Xiuli, S. K. Das and P. Nagendra. Prioritization of Kanbans in the case of a single station serving multiple downstream stations. International Journal of Production Research, 1995, 33 (2): 377-389.
Chao, Xiuli. Monotone effect of dependency between interarrival and service times in a simple queueing system. Operations Research Letters, 1995, 17 (1): 47-51.
Chao, Xiuli. A queueing network model with catastrophes and product form solution. Operations Research Letters, 1995, 18 (1): 75-79.
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