
SAIF Seminar 2023    SAIF Seminar 2022    SAIF Seminar 2021    SAIF Seminar 2020    SAIF Seminar 2019    SAIF Seminar 2018

日期 主题 Speaker Affiliations
2024-03-22 Market Perceptions of Crash Risk and the Pricing of Stocks: An International Study John Wei The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2024-03-20 Corporate Basis and Demand for U.S. Dollar Assets Zhan Shi Tsinghua University
2024-03-15 Anticipatory Trading Against Distressed Mega Hedge Funds Kelsey Wei The University of Texas at Dallas
2024-03-13 What Quantity of Reserves Is Sufficient? Yilin Yang City University of Hong Kong
2024-01-10 Government Intervention in the Financial Market Jiang Wang MIT & SAIF, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2023-12-15 The Effect of Carbon Pricing on Firm Performance: Worldwide Evidence Weikai Li Singapore Management University
2023-12-08 Divestment and Engagement: The Effect of Green Investors on Corporate Carbon Emissions John Matsusaka University of Southern California
2023-12-07 Dissecting Corporate Culture Using Generative AI – Insights from Analyst Reports Kai Li University of British Columbia
2023-12-06 Productivity Shocks and Inflation in Incomplete Markets Qiushi Huang SAIF, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2023-12-01 Speeches by the Fed Chair Are More Important Than FOMC Announcements: An Improved High-Frequency Measure of U.S. Monetary Policy Shocks Eric Swanson University of California, Irvine