



孙剑非教授的主要研究方向为ESG与企业社会责任、公司盈余管理、公司金融与公司治理、以及会计与资本市场。在Economic Inquiry,Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,Journal of Business Ethics,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control以及《财经研究》等国内外著名学术期刊发表论文10余篇。孙剑非教授入选国家财政部组织的2014年第五批全国学术类会计领军(后备)人才项目和2012年上海市浦江人才计划。


  • 期刊论文

    1. Liao, Guanmin , Xin Chen, Xin Jing, and Jianfei Sun. 2009. Policy Burdens, Firm Performance, and Management Turnover, China Economic Review.

    2. Jiang, Fuxiu, Gregory R. Stone, Jianfei Sun, and Min Zhang. 2011. Managerial Hubris, Firm Expansion and Firm Performance, The Social Science Journal.

    3. Li, Yanli, Jianfei Sun, and Zhihong Yi. 2012. 公司异质性、在职消费与机构投资者治理, 财经研究.

    4. Peng, Juan, Jianfei Sun, and Rui Luo. 2014. Corporate Voluntary Carbon Information Disclosure: Evidence from China's Listed Companie, World Economy.

    5. Zhe, Li, and Jianfei Sun. 2015. Emission Taxes and Standards in a General Equilibrium with Entry and Exit, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.

    6. Shi, Guifeng, and Jianfei Sun. 2015. Corporate Bond Covenants and Social Responsibility Investment, Journal of Business Ethics.

    7. Shi, Guifeng Shi, Jianfei Sun, and Rui Luo. 2015. Geographic Dispersion and Earnings Management, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

    8. Shi, Guifeng, Jianfei Sun, Li Zhang, and Yufang Jin. 2017. Corporate Social Responsibility and Geographic Dispersion, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

    9. Shi, Guifeng Shi, Jianfei Sun, and Li Zhang. 2018. Product Market Competition and Earnings Management: A Firm-Level Analysis, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting.

    10. Lu, Deng, Mingqing Liao, Rui Luo, Jianfei Sun, and Chen Xu. 2021. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce Share Price Premium? Evidence from China's A- and H-Shares, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

    11. Huang, Kevin X. D., Zhe Li, and Jianfei Sun. 2021. Lending Competition and Loan Sales: A Macroeconomic Analysis under Directed Search, Economic Inquiry.

    12. Linda Y.L. Du and Jianfei Sun. 2023. Washing away their stigma? The ESG of "Sin" firms, Finance Research Letters.

    13. Du, Linda, Wen Li, and Jianfei Sun. 2024. The real effects of M&As on targets' peers, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting.
