【彭博】Floating FX Rate Won’t Fix China Problems: Former SAFE Official
发布时间:2017-03-20 浏览次数:10286次

原外管局国际收支司司长管涛在由上海交通大学上海高级金融学院主办的“上海金融论坛”上表示,很多人建议中国用浮动汇率制,但光让汇率浮动不能解决全部问题。从国际经验来看,光汇率浮动不能马上取得经济稳、货币稳的结果。 1月14日,彭博对此进行了报道。

Floating FX Rate Won’t Fix China Problems: Former SAFE Official

Guan Tao, a former official with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, responds to recent marketvoices for China to adopt free-floating exchange rate. Stable economy and monetary situation are premises for a stable foreign exchange rate, Guan says.
