【上海日报】Stock link trading seen to pick up pace
发布时间:2015-02-02 浏览次数:6814次

1月31日至2月2日,由上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融硕士MF项目主办的第三届中国青年领袖金融高峰会在上海成功举行。来自大中华区近三十所顶尖高校的160余名本科生,围绕“互联网金融”、“聚焦沪港通 ”和“中国IPO改革”三个议题,针对新常态下的中国经济,与专家学者及业界嘉宾进行思想碰撞和探讨交流。《上海日报》对此进行了报道。

Stock link trading seen to pick up pace

TRADING of Hong Kong shares under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is expected to pick up pace after months of lukewarm transactions, analysts said yesterday.

Since the program started in November, southbound trading — Chinese mainland investors buying Hong Kong shares — has lagged behind those buying Shanghai equities.

The daily volume of southbound trading averaged 500 million yuan (US$80 million), against a daily average of 2 billion yuan of northbound trading, data from the two bourses showed.

“The situation is expected to reverse amid a widening premium of A shares to H shares and the yuan depreciation,” Jill Wu, analyst with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, told a financial forum at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance yesterday.

The premium of mainland shares to their Hong Kong-listed counterparts has widened to 26 percent as of last Friday, according to the Hang Seng China AH Premium Index.

“About 60 percent of dual-listed A shares now are trading at 50 percent higher than those listed in Hong Kong, leaving arbitrage opportunities in H shares,” Wu said.

The yuan is depreciating while the Hong Kong dollar is set to strengthen because of its link with the US dollar, which would see a capital outflow from the mainland to Hong Kong, Wu said.

Wang Kangning, investment director with APS Asset Management Pte, said the trading volume under the stock link will rise as securities regulators ease curbs on investing.

Mainland investors need to have at least 500,000 yuan in portfolio value to participate in the stock connect program.

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