【Asia Asset Management】严弘教授:RQFII范围再扩容利于稳定A股市场
发布时间:2015-01-29 浏览次数:6174次

1月26日,Asia Asset Management发布上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融学教授严弘的采访报道,对于RQFII试点地区扩大到瑞士,投资额度为500亿元人民币,严弘教授作出解读认为,RQFII范围再扩容利于稳定A股市场。

China grants $8 billion RQFII quota to Switzerland

Switzerland has become the latest overseas market to join China’s RQFII pilot scheme, after the People’s Bank of China and Swiss National Bank signed a memorandum of understanding for the granting of 50 billion RMB (US$8.03 billion) in quota.

Beijing is pushing ahead with the RQFII programme outside of Hong Kong. Over the last 11 months, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) has granted 80 billion RMB each in quotas to the UK, Korea, France, and Germany. Singapore was awarded 50 billion RMB in quota during this time. SAFE has handed out a total of 299.7 billion RMB in RQFII quotas to 95 overseas managers as of the end of December 2014.

Hong Yan, deputy director and professor at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, told Asia Asset Management that the expanding RQFII and Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect programmes will accommodate the growing demand from overseas investors to access the Mainland’s capital markets: “The increase in foreign institutional investor participation, in return, can help to stabilise the volatile, retail-dominated A-share market.”

Rajeev de Mello, head of Asian fixed income at Schroder Investment Management, told Asia Asset Management that the firm holds a bullish view on China’s onshore bond market: “We do not expect Chinese government bonds and quasi-sovereign bonds to default. We also think that high quality Chinese corporates and corporates that are strategically important to the Chinese government have a remote risk of default.

“However, there are some companies in the property sector and also those that benefit from high commodities prices that can potentially experience a credit event as a result of the ongoing moderate slowdown in China and slow global growth.”

Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) has recently received an RQFII licence. The firm is looking to apply for a 1 billion RMB RQFII quota for its Schroder International Selection Fund Asian Bond Absolute Return fund.

【原文链接】China grants $8 billion RQFII quota to Switzerland
