【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授解读澳门回归15周年发展
发布时间:2014-12-29 浏览次数:6132次
12月20日,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院副院长、金融学教授朱宁做客CCTV NEWS澳门回归15周年特别栏目直播间,就澳门的发展作出解读。

Host: And that's all in-depth analysis. We now turn to our studio guest professor Zhu Ning, deputy dean of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Ms Cheng Jie, associate professor at the School of Law at Tsinghua University.
Welcome to our program. First of all, professor Zhu, of course, Macau is quite different Macau now after 15 years. It experienced lots of changes in varied sectors, including political sector, economic sector, cultural sector, people's livelihood, etc. Among those changes, what are the most significant?
Professor Zhu: I think probably two or three major areas are the biggest growth in Macau. I think one is definitely the economic growth. As you have already mentioned, I think Macau has witnessed a very fast period of economic growth. Also, a large proportion of civilians have been sharing the benefits of economic growth. Secondly, it's probably more on the political and social reform. I think we have to recognize that Macau has a long history of what's European ties. It's gradually transforming into and becoming part of the mainland Chinese culture. I think there is a big shift in that area as well. Last but not the least, I think it's very important to point out the culture development is no longer considered as the single most sector any more. People think of Macau, they think of more diverse culture and activities. I think that is also helping the society and the economy at the same time. 
