【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授做客《China 24》直击沪港通开通
发布时间:2014-12-04 浏览次数:7115次
11月17日,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院副院长、金融学教授朱宁受邀担任CCTV NEWS《China 24》的评论嘉宾,就当日开通的沪港通市场第一时间作出解读。

Presenter: Charles Li, CEO of HongKong stock exchange. Now some Shanghai perspective on this. For that, we are joined by professor Zhu Lin, deputy director of the Advanced Institute of Finance of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Welcome, professor Zhu. So, what kind of impact does it have on Mainland stock market? Shanghai or HongKong obviously welcome this move. What about Shanghai?
Professor Zhu: I think as we see in today's market movement, I think Chinese and Asian markets are also welcome such a development in the reform program. I think there are two apparent benefits. One is with Chinese stock market still at relatively a low point compared to what it was four or five years ago. Many investors, especially foreign investors think there are a lot of opportunities to be taken from the Chinese economy and its stock market. Secondly, I think the Chinese market is still being plagued by a lack of liquidity, or a lack of interest capital. So with expectations of more capital coming from overseas investors into Chinese market, I think Chinese domestic investors are also becoming more hopeful that there will be a sizeable boom market to be seen because of interests coming out of overseas capital market.
Presenter: what is your take on the long-term perspective on this Shanghai-HongKong stock connect? Is this just the beginning of a more expensive liberalization of the financial and capital market here in China and how it will effect the capital flow in and out of China?
Professor Zhu: I totally agree. I think this is just the beginning of a series of very exciting opportunities that's going to happen to Chinese financial system, the investment to RMB and the international use of RMB as the international currency. For one side, I think there is a lot of foreign capital which are attracted by Chinese size and its speed of Chinese economic growth. So, I think they still find it very attractive to diversify or allocate part of their assets into Chinese market. At the very same time, with the increasing wealth of Chinese households and Chinese tiny corporations, it is conceivable that a lot of capital from China which will become more and more interested in flowing into overseas market to get more diversification. With this flow of into and out of China, I think this will equip a huge amount of opportunities for both sides of investors. Along this process, I think Chinese RMB will become more and more widely used by international financial centers, international financial corporations and by many international households. This will help RMB become a truly international currency in the next five or ten years.
Presenter: are there any risks associated with large amount of capital flow?
Professor Zhu: yes, I think as we have seen from the 1998 southeast Asian financial crisis, there are definitely risks associated with a sudden open up of capital flow account. I think what China is currently doing is a gradual and steady opening up of capital account. I think this SH-HK connect program, it has a daily quota by which the money can be allowed to flow into and out of China's border, which will be a very effective, basically water control. So, there will not be a sudden drop or increase in the liquidity we will not see something that has happened toward this country. I think this is a gradual and well promising form of agenda.
Presenter: it's going to be an incremental process
Professor Zhu: we certainly hope so.
Presenter: all right, thank you very much, professor Zhu, for your check on this. You are watching China 24 and there is much more still ahead.
