【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授:展望2014夏季达沃斯论坛
发布时间:2014-09-22 浏览次数:6110次
9月9日,CCTV NEWS连线采访了即将参与2014夏季达沃斯论坛的上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)副院长、金融学教授朱宁,对于“推动创新创造价值”的论坛主题,朱宁教授分享了自己的思考。

Host: The 2014 new leaders meeting of the world economic forum or Summer Davos was opened in north China Tianjin municipality. China’s premier Li Keqiang will deliver an opening speech at the 3 day forum ,more than 60 participants from 90 countries were attending the panel discussion,debate and small group meeting ,the theme for this year is creating value through innovation ,the China’ s port cities Dalian and Tianjin have taken turn to host this event since the 1st Davos meeting in 2007,for more insight ,now we are joined on the phone by Professor Zhu Ning, deputy director of Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiaotong University,thank you for joining us,Professor,the world economic forum is due to start tomorrow,what can we look forward to on this year forum? 
Professor Zhu: I think as usual the world economic forum is always a very exciting idea of exchange,I think there is a lot of people from different are going to change their ideas and research agendas,which really a good platform for people to get more out of their own daily work and daily research ,I think giving the uncertain international environment going on this year,I think this also creates a very interesting and valuable opportunities for the global leaders all over the world to work out their difference, try to work out some the major international issues that the entire world is facing with right now.  
Host: The working theme of this year forum is creating value through innovation,how do you interpret this?  
Professor Zhu: I think I am looking at this from two different sides,I think the nice thing is I think we are no longer in this post crisis mentality,in the past few years,I think the global leaders are trying to figure out how to reshape the international order for finance and economic,now it seems that we have more stability from economic front,that is encouraging,I think on the other hand the global leaders are looking for,there is a growth opportunities,I think this is coming from innovation. Technologically or institutionally, the global leaders are working very hard trying to find new opportunities which can further boost China and International economic growth,I think there will be an important area for this year’s forum. 