【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授解读8月外贸数据
发布时间:2014-09-22 浏览次数:5941次
9月8日,CCTV NEWS电话连线采访了上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)副院长、金融学教授朱宁,就最新出炉的8月外贸数据,朱宁教授作出了点评。
China Foreign Trade in August

Reporter: Firstly let us take a look at some fresh economic figures from China. China’s general administration of custom says that China’s total trade volume in August rose 4% year on year to 367.1 bln US dollars ,the custom statement released out of breathing on Monday morning showed China’s monthly supply rose to 498 bln US dollars in August, the highest amount on record ,export in August rose to 9.4% year on year to 285 bln US dollars ,that import continued to contract to year on year decrease up to 2.4% to 158.6 bln US dollars.
And for more analysis, today we are joint on the line by professor Zhu Ning from Shanghai Jiaotong University, he served as deputy director of the University - Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, welcome, professor Zhu, China’s August trade supply has hit all the time high of 498 bln US dollars , explaining us what this means,
Professor Zhu: I think it is providing some mixed messages, on one hand, I think with some encouraging information on the export side that boost in China economy growth , on the other hand will be the internal demand in which are responsible for the import part is not growing as much with sort of indicating that China’s economic growth is still facing some stop bar in the growth and in the consumption side,I think that makes message,good news on the export side and a little bit disappointed news on the internal side. 
Reporter: In deed the import figure disappointed investors a little bit,but what about the other figures and how do you forecast the China future foreign trade performance?  
Professor Zhu: I think with the stablization in China  RMB ,I think  this is still some potential to China export keep growing, so this is  encouraging to China economic  growth mode transition,on the other hand  I think we can see that China is still in this process of improving its economic structure,meaning that it is trying to move a way from its traditional low value added simple manufacturing jobs to more highly value added and more high-tech export, I think this is still in the process of a very encouraging transition. 