【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授预测:2014年上半年中国经济增长或达到7.5%
发布时间:2014-07-24 浏览次数:6037次

7月14日,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)副院长、金融学教授朱宁接受CCTV NEWS《Biz Asia》栏目的采访,对即将于16日公布的2014年上半年中国GDP增长及其它重要经济指标作出了预测。

China likely to grow 7.5% in 2014 H1: expert

Host:So China GDP growth for the first half of this year along with other important economic indicators will be released on Wednesday, ahead of that date of release, Wu Shaoxing spoken to analyst on China growth and government micro stimulates for different sects.

China’s economy has began to slow down,the China government now tolerates lower growth rate to better restructure the economy and transform its enterprise, while a massive stimulate may have fallen out of fever ,measure is more flexible and more logic to the market have been administrated to ensure the micro economic performance within acceptable level, the data of recent months indicates that China’s economy is improving in both supply and demand, making analyst believes that China is likely to have achieve its growth target in the first half of this year.

Zhu Ning:I think the economic growth was catch up with what the government have been predicting, which is about 7.5% ,there are two reasons I think the global economy is stabilizing which is a sort of creating additional job and export opportunity for China , on the other hand ,I think that China government has been engaging in some active policies which trying to stabilize its economy.

Many analysts believe that the future micro target measures are necessary to stabilize China’s economy, the property market in many China cities has been loosening ground in recent month, as the property market is bite to the China’s economy, some believe that there will be some fine tuning of the property curve in the 2nd half of this year.

Zhu Ning:I think in general China government is very adamant with their intention to restruct the China economic growth, which is to gradually slow down the economic growth or improving the quality of the growth, at the same time I think that in short term government is also issuing a series of many or micro stimulate packages, I think they are aiming at sort of loosening the curve on the roads of property ,which apparently very important to China economy, as the same time China government is also issuing a series of targeted measure, which trying to stimulate the growth in infrastructure in urbanization and in renewable energy area.

With the recovery of US’s economy, more targeted micro stimulates, many believe that China is likely to achieve its 7.5% annual growth target, and that interest liberalization and fiscal in taxation reform will be the key reforms in the near future.

China likely to grow 7.5% in 2014 H1: expert
