【CCTV NEWS】钱军教授做客《China 24》谈中国互联网行业面临的挑战
发布时间:2013-08-29 浏览次数:5728次

8月16日,我院钱军教授做客CCTV NEWS《China 24》节目,作为嘉宾谈中国互联网速度提升,中国互联网行业面临的挑战和前景作出分析。

Qian Jun:Sure,you were just talking about that China already has a large population on the internet. I heard the number like three hundred million to four hundred million. But, you know, China has a large population in the world. So, there are still a lot of more people don’t have internet access. You mentioned the speed and the issue is not very fast. I came from Shanghai today was on the high speed rail, supper impression, but there was no wifi on the train. So, there is a lot more room to grow. And this is a new industry. It is a cleaning industry. So, what that means is it can create tons of high pay jobs for the country for years to come. So, certainly, this is a purer industry. I think that is a great definition.

Qian Jun: I can think of three. Probably the most obviously one, most people have been minded safety, data safety, personal privacy. We have seen a lot of discussions about that. But I also think of the Chinese industry. This is also a very big challenge. I think given this new industry, China should have its own world leaders in terms of innovation. We can think of Samsung. We need Samsung of China, because you can’t just imitate, you can’t just keep producing the low cost parts of the devices. You need to be the frontier. So, that is a big challenge for the entrepreneurs, for the industries and also for the government. And lastly, I think the finance, professional financing has a lot to do with supporting this industry. So, there are a lot of small firms. They are doing very well but they need money. So, markets, venture capitalist and private equity can provide a lot of funding and the, you know, the financial system can help and grow these firms and then push them to be listed.

Qian Jun: I think this is probably the first-order issue, because, as we rely more and more on the internet and its devices, we put a lot more personal data and sensitive data out there. So, certainly, when I open my hand device, when I open my computer, I always have the sort of concern that some of my data might be compromised. But they also provide a lot of opportunities for companies. If you do a good job, developing new products protecting privacy, establishing safety guards, you know, you can do very well. You can make a lot of money.
