【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授解读上半年经济数据
发布时间:2013-07-24 浏览次数:5397次

7月15日,我院副院长朱宁教授就上半年经济数据接受CCTV NEWS频道的连线采访。朱宁教授认为,上半年经济增长速度的放缓有国内和国际两方面的原因,其中国内新的领导班子采取了重组中国经济增长模式的措施是上半年经济增长放缓的主要原因。同时,朱宁教授还指出,经济增长速度放缓,我们才有更多宝贵的时间去调整经济增长模式,从而更加注重经济发展的质量。

Zhu Ning: Well, I think it is due to both internal and external reasons that are acting globally where the weak overseas demand and economy recovery globally has not really picked up and also the appreciation of “Yuan” has made partially China to rely on the exports. The internal thing which I think has put more importance for the slowing down in the past few months of economic growth is mainly because the new leadership of China has picked up a new role for restructuring Chinese economic growth model which might possibly be slowing down but also more sustainable. And going forward, I think I will be very happy to see I think Chinese really pick up some  serious moments to adjust the overseas capacity problems in many sectors of Chinese economy and hopefully they will reduce and decrease it in many areas of Chinese economy. And I will hope the thing is growing in a longer run.

Zhu Ning: I’m not too worried. Actually you can see that the most significant change in the policy is still has been a big slow down in the investment for infrastructure and investment projects. And those factors which have been contributing to Chinese fast economic growth is also putting the emphasis on many key productivities and factors. So, I think with this slowing down, and we have the precious time to really do some serious jobs in adjusting the economic growth model. And also, I think only with the slowing down in the economy growth speed and China really put more emphasis on the quality not just the speed of economic growth. That is actually what I think.

News Update 07/15/2013 19:00
