【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授谈中欧太阳能电板贸易争端
发布时间:2013-07-24 浏览次数:5848次

6月21日,我院副院长朱宁教授做客CCTV NEWS《News Update》栏目,就中欧太阳能电板贸易争端发表观点。朱宁教授认为,鉴于中国太阳能电板行业发展的程度,中国很难在在出口价格方面做出巨大让步。



Zhu Ning: Well, there are probably three areas of disputes of the disagreement. I think the first is probably focused on why the Chinese solar panel industries have been unfairly subsidized by the government which leads to the second disagreement about what have been undertaken is unfair setting low price in China export of solar panel products to Europe. But I think what a glory picture disputes is more about how would Europe and China agree to develop a friendly relationship in trade because as people can all have seen in the past few weeks if there has been a harsher and harsher punishment of Chinese solar panel industries, there may be previewed precautions from China and other exporters from Europe.

Zhu Ning: I think there probably prestigious obstacles and the also technical obstacles. Well, on one hand, I think there have been both sides still have a few collisions and clashes, so it is hard for people to disengage from the conversations, I think it is really good, but the people have committed to a further talk and negotiations. However, I think, for the European side, EU is a collection of countries, so, it is hard to reach a collective decision or consensuses; and in China, I think, the capacity in the solar panel industries has been so excessive that it’s really not easy for China to make huge concession in terms of export prices.

News Update 06/21/2013 19:00
