【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授谈对外直接投资和房价问题
发布时间:2013-07-24 浏览次数:5672次

6月18日,我院副院长朱宁教授做客CCTV NEWS《Biz Asia》栏目。朱宁教授指出,随着世界经济的持续复苏,境外投资依然会很有吸引力。同时,朱宁教授还认为,房价和货币供应密切相关,政府必须让市场在经济发展中扮演更重要的角色。



Zhu Ning: In a short term, Yes. I think the FDI is still going to flow in the United States. It may slow down a little bit. But I think as long as theUS economy and EU economy recovery is on track and as long as Chinese economic is still recovering, I think it is going to be attractive to foreigncapital just as much as it has been in the past every year.

Zhu Ning: I think it keeps the relatively size of the FDI and ODI. It will take some time before the ODI finally outpaces the FDI. It will happensooner or later. However, I don’t think it is still going to happen very soon. But I think the two important may be taken away from these phenomena. Ithink, one is, China is becoming not only a manufacturing superpower. It is becoming an increasingly important capital superpower in the entire world.And to China, I think this resists a lot of opportunities but also resists Chinese as well, because I think China has put more emphasis on the reformin its own financial sector, so its financial sector can be better integrated into the global financial sector and its economy can be better integratedinto the global economy.

Zhu Ning: I think, I would be concerned, I think it probably gives these two important messages. One is the housing prices are closely related to moneysupplies or credit expansion. I think, the housing prices and the credit expansion tend to go hand in hand in the past six months. So I think thesethings that were given there have already a lot of money been flowed into China and money cannot be directed outside of China. I think there is a lotof concern about why the housing prices are going up again and again and what are the some really useful messages or current policy that could containthe housing prices. And this will create a lot of risks for the banking sector and also for the non-financial system.

Zhu Ning: I think the policy makers are indeed facing a glamor here, I mean to put too much emphasis on the housing current policy but it will still beeconomic expansion. But if they want to stimulate the economy growth, then there is a price to be paid in the housing market. So I think this is thecausing consequence of the previous similar stimulated packages in the previous years. So I think, the government will have to let the market play agreat role in the economy and would also have to reignite on the pure and () and stimulate packages to push the economy have to switch its economygrowth model so that there have more flows been directed into other more productive areas.
Biz Asia 06/18/2013 21:00
