发布时间:2013-07-24 浏览次数:6167次

6月29日,上海外语频道《Money Talks》栏目播出我院张纯信教授关于互联网金融话题的专访。张纯信教授认为,传统银行没有足够的人力去搜集大量的小型客户的信息,因此,传统大银行不容易做互联网金融。

张纯信:It's difficult for traditional banks,because they are big ,for example the big four,it's difficult for them to collect the information of those SMEs,they do not have the personnel.But for Taobao,or Alibaba,or other online companies,they have done businesses with those SMEs,the loan size usually is just upto hundreds of thousand yuan.These SMEs are not listed companies without pubulic information.So you can know their credibility only after having businesses with them.It's not easy for big banks.