发布时间:2013-07-24 浏览次数:5771次

6月29日,上海外语频道《Money Talks》栏目播出了我院执行院长张春教授在2013陆家嘴论坛中的专访报道。张春教授认为,大客户仍然会选择传统银行,目前互联网公司可能只会在零售、微小企业等方面有用武之地。

张春:Larger clients will still go to the traditonal banks,because traditonal banks can offer more services.RMB internationalization is a good news for tranditonal banks,because it helps large companies to go abroad.And online companies are not able to handle those types of business.Online companies can only work on retail,micro loans.
张春:Larger clients will still go to the traditonal banks,because traditonal banks can offer more services.RMB internationalization is a good news for tranditonal banks,because it helps large companies to go abroad.And online companies are not able to handle those types of business.Online companies can only work on retail,micro loans.