【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授点评欧盟对华光伏双反举动影响
发布时间:2013-05-24 浏览次数:5795次

5月15日,我院副院长朱宁教授接受CCTV NEWS《NEWS HOUR》的连线采访,就近期欧盟对华发起的光伏双反举动作出点评。

Host: And the European Union has picked the biggest tariff fine for China. Tariff fine officials from EU member states will review proposals to slap tentative duties on Chinese solar panel on Wednesday. The European Commission agreed last week to impose an average of 47% tentative duties on Chinese solar import. What does this mean for EU-China trade? Let’s get answers now to Mr. Zhu Ning. He is Finance Professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Hello, Mr. Zhu, thanks for joining us now. So, European Union tariff fine officials are expected to back the duties. What is likely for us because China exported 21 billion Euro of solar panel to the EU in 2011.

Zhu Ning: Well, I think it will have a very significant impact on Chinese solar panel industry and I think it will have a very profound and significant impact on the relationship between the China and Europe on the trade and on the trade related issues.

Host: So, you know, what’s China going to do to solve with the European countervailing taxes scam with for airline change could talk and they back down. So, could both two sides solve this dispute somehow?

Zhu Ning: I think it is more an economic issue rather than a political issue right now. But in the European Union, I’m sure there have been a lot of discussions and the negotiation is going on before we are reaching this point. But I think the Chinese government will probably think about other issues which is not limited to the solar panel industry. So I think EU have to take that into consideration or they are making their final decision, because there is a very important impact on what China would influence European exporters and for the Europe and China relationship in the future.

Host: Definitely, what else is telling me is that this tax is not going to help European solar panel makers at all. I mean those get the short term lift. But in the end, you know, the European consumer is the whole solar industry that is going to suffer.

Zhu Ning: I tend to agree. I think that is the price the trade war would have to pay. Maybe it seems to be a protection against a certain part of interests of importers overall. In general, that is, it couldn’t be hurtful to the social welfare of the importers from that importing country. I don’t think it is a clear case for EU to push through the tax based on economic merits. That is what I mentioned. I think there are some political or social issues that being considered as well.

Host: Ohh, definitely not something positive for the environment or for the solar industry all in China. Thanks very much Professor Zhu Ning, joining us on the line from Shanghai Jiaotong University.

