【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授解读金砖国家峰会议题和成果
发布时间:2013-03-29 浏览次数:6375次

3月27日,我院副院长朱宁教授担任CCTV NEWS《China 24》栏目演播室嘉宾,解读于3月26日至27日举行的金砖国家峰会议题和成果。

Increased Interaction, Cooperation

I think finance has become so important and in some senses, so frightening to the government, so I think they want to understand each other more. I think it has to be pointed out that the BRICS nations, they actually come from the concept, not from any historical background, so in that sense, to deepen their understanding of each other and to creat or enhance the opportunities to collabrate in the areas of finance, I think they will not only provide opportunities, but also some sifi-nets to all those when the time comes.

BRICS Development Bank

I think the creation of such a new bank or a new fund, is partly reflecting the frustration that BRICS countries and also some other emerging countries have in the current financial system based as the World Bank and IMF. I think, both in terms of, the financial crisis and in terms of the help to developping countries, I think the emerging markets or the developping markets are not filling as much help as they should be or as they wished to get. So now they are becoming big enough and strong enough, so they are coming to the idea of why don't we have own bank or own fund. I think there will be probably the priority of the new bank, but I'm sure once the bank grows it will serve more for the great benefits of all the emerging markets.
