【CCTV NEWS】蒋展教授解读中国新领导层的挑战
发布时间:2013-03-21 浏览次数:5915次

3月15日,我院蒋展教授做客CCTV NEWS《China 24》栏目,就中国新领导层所面对的诸多挑战,蒋展教授发表了自己的观点。

China's new leadership faces challenges

Host: we are now joined by Professor Liu Baocheng, Dean of the Center for International Business Ethics at the University of International Business and Economics and Ms Jiangzhan, Associate Professor of Economic at the Shanghai Jiaotong University, welcome.

Host: Professor Jiangzhan, given the legacy of Mr. Hujintao and Mr. Wen Jiabao, do you think the job is going do is to be easier or more difficult?

Jiangzhan: I definitely think to be more difficult, because at his point, I think China has get to its advantage stage reform, so it not only takes courage into determination but also it definitely takes a deep understanding of the economic issues, the fundamental issues facing us. So, having this academic…

Host: For example, what are the major economic issues?

Jiangzhan: major economic issues, for example, this you know, includes the deep regulations of the financial system but also how is the transition of the Chinese economic from investment-driven to a consumption-driven economic. So, this is an issue not easy to solve. So, that is why I think, you know, which is academic financial that can help, you know, to deep understand into these factors.

Host: Very quickly, Professor Liu Baochengg pointed out that the proficiency of English, a good command of English by Premier Li Geqiang that did surprise some of the netizens in China. They were talking about either the standard Mandarin, better articulation by Mr. Xi Jinping or general for most members in the Public Bureau of the new team or English proficiency of Mr. Li Keqiang. But, the linguistically is one thing, has a better understanding about the universal language such as economic is quite another. What do you think of the prospect reform of Mr. Li Geqiang to have a better picture about the nationality conditions and to get down to the earth and be very practical.

Jiangzhan: I agree with you. I think just speaking good English is, you know, is important for him to catch other better and understand what is going on outside China to get first-hand information. So, it is very important, but I do agree with you that, you know, he has the approach he is using by down to earth and try to listen to the people which is going to be helpful, which is very helpful for him in dealing with a lot of his top issues in Chinese economics. So, I think his approach is quite, you know, inspiring for all of us.

