【CCTV NEWS】朱宁教授谈中国财政税收改革
发布时间:2013-03-13 浏览次数:5630次

3月12日,我院副院长朱宁教授做客CCTV NEWS《Biz Asia》栏目,就结构性减税、房产税和收入分配改革发表观点和看法。

China seeks structural tax cuts

It's all depending on how much the government promises citizens' right. I think the great government made a mistake of promising too much during the good times and not be able to delivering during the bad times. So I think there is a balance between how much money should be generated from the fiscal revenue, but I think there is also an important balance has to be instructed about how much to spend. And in terms to expenditure, I think there is the infrustructure, the provision of public goods, and provision of bureaucratic system. Since the balance of these two, I think the new leadership probably making a change of, making the balance better or in more favor of the households.

There is a very clear evidence in the US that property tax prevent house price from rising up too much. From I am in California, it has one of the lowest property tax in the US and of course has one of the highest price appreciation in the US, for that what we talk about, I think there are 2 questions has to be asked, one is whether the property tax is the sustainable source of revenue or fiscal income for local government, I guess the answer to that one is yes. I guess the key question here is who is making the policy and who is owning those homes, I think that is a tough question which I totally understand relate to, but whether it sustainable or not.

China unveils income distribution reforms

I think on one hand exactly you said banks made a lot of money and people are not very happy about that, but on the other hand, if you look at the banking sector,actually is one of the most competitive sector if you just look back the industry structure, I feel banks are making money not period because their cluding or they are in monopolistic situation is because the interest are being regulated. So it is not the banks' decision to make.

I think it is important to keep in mind labor has been contributing less and therefore paid less during the economic growth in the past few years. How to shave the economic growth modle so that the human capital are contributing more and getting paid more, I think that will be one key more important in taxation system reform. The second I think just like many other questions and challenges in China,there is in law but there are a lot of exceptions to the law, So how to bridge the gap between the law and enforcement practice? I think there were a lot of little loopholes, those little things will properly add up.
