【CCTV NEWS】朱宁副院长做客《Biz Asia》 展望十八大经济政策与光伏产业
发布时间:2012-11-09 浏览次数:5364次

11月8日,我院朱宁副院长做客CCTV NEWS频道《Biz Asia》栏目,对于国家主席胡锦涛在十八大报告中提出的2020年实现 GDP比2010年翻一番的目标做出解读,他认为需要重视如何维持经济自身持续增长以及人均收入的增长,同时,对于美国正式对从中国进口 的光伏产品征收“双反”关税的决定,朱宁副院长认为光伏产业未来的潜力和增长势必将受到负面影响。
China Aims to Double 2010 GDP by 2020
I think I am cautiously optimistic here, I think for China has been enjoying over 8% of any growth in the past 3 decades,achieving on average at 7% economic growth per year in the coming decade doesn't seem to be hard to achieve, and also it isimportant to keep in mind that what will the economic growth has been sustaining itself or it is important that we have toemphasize on the per capita income not just the total income itself.
I think the Chinese citizens will definitely benefit from the target specially the focus on the per capita income increase.There are pretty a few things that Chinese residents or citizens will really concern about, one of them is, after a few years ofreally high inflation level, I think people really concern with price level or inflation, they want to make sure that they haveenough income and also they have increased in their real income and purchasing power. Related to the price level, I think peoplereally concern with the housing prices and real estate cause policy has taken a little effect on the high housing price spciallyif you put that in light of Chinese income level. And I think, to make things more concrete or to make things interesting,Chinese are getting more and more interesting and concerned about the wealth distribution. To increase this satisfaction amongChinese citizens, I think how to adjust Chinese taxation and fiscal policy to make competetion more reasonable and fair is avery big problem on many Chinese residents' mind.
US Final Decision's Effect on China PV Firms
I think, unfortunately, it will have conceivable impact on the Chinese solar industry, the unfortunate reality is the wholeindustry is largely dependent upon government subsidy to different level to different countries, so without the governmentsupport from countries, I think the industry has a lot of effect negatively on its potential and growth prospect.