【CCTV NEWS】10月PMI重返临界点之上 朱宁副院长认为数据令人鼓舞
发布时间:2012-11-01 浏览次数:6147次

10月,中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为50.2%,比上月上升0.4个百分点,重新回到临界点之上,创四个月新高,三个月来首次重 回50荣枯线上方。对此,我院副院长朱宁做客CCTV NEWS频道News Hour栏目解读该数据,他认为,10月PMI数据令人振奋,预示着经济正在 触底回升,但其趋势能否健康持续言之尚早。短期来看,经济走势将趋于稳定,不过,他认为,当前最为重要的还是要关注中国经济增长方 式能否成功转变,并且能否以内需代替出口来拉动经济。

I think the number is definitely encourageing. I mean anything over 50 indicates that the economy is rebounding or at least bottoming. But I think it is probably a little bit too early to tell what this trend is sustainable or robust because as mentioned that there are some seasonal effect and there are also some the unsustained with the policy direction coming with next week the important meeting coming up.

I think the overall trend is definitely encouraging if you look back in the past a few month, I think the number has been improving and also I think the government has rolled out as the policy of easing and stimulating policies to encourage or to boost the economy. So I think, in the short term, the economy seems to be stabilizing or gaining ground. I think what's more important though is what the economic growth model can be shifted successfully and also what we can sustain the economic growth through more of the domestic consumption rather than the export which has been the major driver in the past decades.
