[ELSA Oct]--Database Exploration Series

活动时间:星期三, 2014-10-22 15:51 - 15:51

活动地点: 1st floor lab

活动演讲人: Fish Ge


 Office 2013 Workshop/Skills for Highly Efficient Office Users

 Word 2013 - Boost Productivity

 Simplify your work/Start screen/Pick up where you left off/Word shortcuts

 Navigation pane and search/Expand/collapse text/Live layout when moving object/Office Apps in Word

 Excel 2013 - Go Beyond Data Analysis

 Data collection/Formula calculation

 Formula arguments/Cell references/Common functions/Stats/Lookup

 Text/Date/Math/Data analysis and report/Conditional formatting

 Pivot Table/Slicer & timeline/Sparkline/Charts and samples/Office apps in Excel

 Power View/Data protection/Hide worksheet/Hide formulas/Clear PivotTable data cache

 PPT 2013 - Design Advice

 Theme & Color picker/Use SmartArt & picture

