“SAIF金融知识竞赛”隆重启动——由SAIF MF主办,CFA主要赞助、高顿财经参与赞助

活动时间:星期六, 2014-08-16 14:00 - 16:00

活动地点: 在线

活动演讲人: SAIF MF项目组

“SAIF金融知识竞赛”隆重启动 —— 由SAIF MF主办,CFA中国主要赞助、高顿财经参与赞助
Conducted by SAIF MF, Sponsored by CFA China.        




In 2014, China starts its program of reforms with the financial reform in the heart of it. With the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in 2013, the trading volume exceeded 600 trillion Chinese Yuan in financial market, at the same time, the Treasury Futures were officially launched and China’s economic. Along with the continuous improvement and development of China’s financial market, the demand of financial talents is soaring.

为给金融人才提供更好、更广阔的学习平台,由上海高级金融学院(SAIF)金融硕士(MF)主办,由CFA中国提供主要赞助、高顿财经参与赞助的“SAIF 金融知识竞赛” 应运而生。本次竞赛旨在为社会各界对金融有兴趣的大众提供一个自我测评、相互交流的平台,并为优胜者提供丰厚的奖金。无论你是学生、行业新秀还是资深人士,均可参加。“SAIF金融知识竞赛”隆重启动 —— 由SAIF MF主办,CFA主要赞助、高顿财经参与赞助。
To provide a platform for talented financial minds to test their knowledge and for the purpose of demonstrating the innovation and commitment to the education and values of the CFA, SAIF MF is proud to present to all interested parties the SAIF MF decathlon. The competition consists entirely of questions from CFA mock exams and the winners will receive large cash prizes.

Event Announcement:

1. 所有题目均为CFA考试模拟题。这为即将考CFA的参赛人提供了一个绝无仅有的免费自测机会!也为已经具备CFA认证的你提供了一个巩固加强、冲刺奖金的好机会。
All the questions are from CFA mock examinations, this is a great free opportunity to test yourself. It also provides you with a good chance to consolidate your CFA knowledge and try for a prize.
2. 奖励丰厚。本次大赛的优胜者将获得现金奖励!最高奖励达10000元人民币
We provide large cash prizes to winners, up to 10,000RMB for the first prize.

3. 零成本参赛。你仅需花几十秒的时间在线填写几项个人信息即可预约参赛,无任何成本投入。
Zero cost to take part. You just need to spend a few seconds to register.

4. 无限制参赛。凡是有条件登录网络的同仁即可参赛,不设任何身份限制或者参赛资格验证。
No qualification is required to take part. Anyone with accessibility to the internet can participate.

5. SAIF将于2014年8月21日在上海高级金融学院为前三名举行隆重的颁奖礼。届时你还将有机会与行业领衔人物面对面近距离沟通交流。你往返上海的交通费用及在上海当晚的住宿费用将由SAIF MF承担。
SAIF will present trophies to the award winners on Aug21 2014(date to be confirmed) at SAIF in Shanghai. You will also have the opportunity to interact with industry leaders then.

Event rules

1. 比赛时间:2014年8月16日星期六,须在14:00-15:10之间成功登录在线平台。答题时限:40分钟,系统将于16:00全面关闭。
Time: Aug 16, 2014. Please log in the platform between 14:00-15:10, you will have exactly 40minutes to compete, the platform will be shut down at 16:00 on Aug16.

2. 比赛地点:在线,在比赛开始前答题入口将在本页面开放,该入口为官方指定唯一答题入口!
Venue: Online, the competition portal will be opened up at this page before the competition on Aug16, this is the ONLY officially acknowledged competition page.

3. 比赛语言:英语
Language: English

4. 比赛形式 Format:
    (1) 在规定比赛时间段内你将有100道CFA考试模拟题可供作答,但不要求全部答完。
         Within the time given, you have 100 mock CFA examination questions to answer, but you are NOT required to answer all the questions, please answer as many questions as you can
    (2) 每位答题人只有一次作答机会。
         Every participant has only once chance to compete.
    (3) 答题完毕后系统将即刻给出成绩。
         The system will automatically calculate and let you know your score immediately after you finish the competition.
    (4) 获胜者名单将最晚于2014年8月18日公布。
         The winners will be announced no later than Aug 18, 2014.

5. 有意向参与本次比赛的同仁可从即刻起于本页面处进行报名登记。该地址为官方指定唯一报名地址!
Anyone interested in this competition can register on this page now. This is the ONLY officially acknowledged registration page.

6. 本活动由CFA领衔赞助,由高顿财经参与赞助。本活动最终解释权为上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)金融硕士(MF)项目。
This event is mainly sponsored by CFA and co-sponsored by GOLDEN FINANCE. The right to interpret the rules hereof rests with SAIF MF.

About SAIF MF:
Click to Download Brochure
SAIF MF项目的教育使命是训练和培养掌握现代金融理论方法和技术、通晓中国和国际金融业运作方式和惯例的国际级金融人才。同时,金融硕士项目也致力于培养学生的社会责任感、领导力、沟通能力、文化素养等各种社会及生活技能。

SAIF MF项目的学生来自国内外知名院校,他们都是各自本科院校佼佼者中的佼佼者。每年录取率不超过5%。SAIF MF项目毕业生们广泛分布于国内外的银行、投行、风投、公募和私募基金、证券、资产管理公司等众多金融机构,毕业生年起薪位居全国首位。
