SAIF MBA Lecture Series--新思想、新逻辑、新的金融危机解决之道

活动时间:星期二, 2012-03-06 19:00 - 20:30

活动地点: 达通广场305

活动演讲人: Dr. Woody Brock



Dr. Woody Brock是美国战略经济决策咨询公司(SED)董事长兼创始人,拥有哈佛大学的文学士、工商管理硕士和理学硕士学位,普林斯顿大学大文学硕士和博士学位,专业从事现代经济应用于国际经济及其资本市场的预测和风险评估的不确定性分析。此次论坛,Dr.Brock将携其畅销著作《American Gridlock》(《美国经济桎梏》),就书中所提到的美国经济发展面临的五个关键性挑战,分享自己的观点和理论。

Dr. H. Woody Brock just finished his new book “American Gridlock”, which illustrates why the RIGHT and LEFT are both wrong and forces the audience to think through their view on the critical issues that American are facing now. In this lecture, Dr. Brock will not only share his rigorous view on American Gridlock, but also explore Chinese policymakers’ concerns such as:
1.  How can the post-Bretton Woods global financial architecture be improved so that it is less dependent upon the policies of one country which tends to pursue its own domestic interests at the expense of its global responsibilities? 
2.  What is the best way to liberalize capital constraints given that China does not need foreign capital, but foreigners are eager to invest in China?
3.  How can the transition from an export-oriented growth model to a domestic growth model be engineered to avoid a deep, potentially politically destabilizing slowdown in the process?

Speaker Bio:

Holder of five academic degrees, Dr. Horace Woody Brock earned his B.A., M.B.A., and M.S. from Harvard University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University (mathematical economics and political philosophy). He was elected an Andrew Mellon Foundation Bicentennial Fellow in 1976. Dr. Brock studied under Kenneth J. Arrow, Professor of Economics, and John C. Harsanyi, Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, both winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics. 

Dr. Brock founded Strategic Economic Decisions (SED) in 1985, and in doing so was sponsored by Fidelity, GE Capital, IBM Pension Fund, and twenty other institutions looking for a much deeper level of analysis of interest rates and the economy. His speaking engagements have included audiences as diverse as the World Economic Forum in Davos, Board of Directors of corporations and banks, corporate officers, high net worth families, private equity groups, and hedge funds. More details about Dr. Brock could be found in http://www.sedinc.com/biography.html.
