Tomorrow Fund Manager Summer Camp 2011 is Now Recruiting!

活动时间:星期三, 2011-06-15 00:00 - 00:00



I. Eligibility
Applicants who meet all the requirements below will be admitted after the verification by SAIF:
1. Enrolled for bachelor’s degree or above in all universities in China;
2. Interested in financial industry; dedicated to
financial derivatives or relevant professions; handle well with pressure and fast-paced studies;
3. Good academic performance with adequate foundation on mathematics and IT skills; no specific major is required;
4. A high level of proficiency in English; GRE, TOEFL, IELTS scores required for applicants from non-English-speaking countries;
5. No warning or punishment received at the school.

II. Application materials
1. Application Form (see IV-2)
2. Academic transcript (original copy) signed and sealed by
Academic Affair Office;
3. Photocopy of certificate that proofs your English proficiency, i.e. GRE, TOEFL, IELTS etc.
4. Two reference letters from associate professors or above teaching you; letters singed and sealed by the referrers;
5. A cover letter;
6. Other supporting documents, i.e. photocopy of published thesis, certificates, credentials etc.

III. Scholarship
1. Curriculum: Outlook of Political and Social Situations in Europe,
EUREX Introduction, Why EUREX, EUREX products Introduction, Introduction of Futures and Options, Trading Method and Implements , Mock Trading, Trading Strategy , Trading Psychology, and The development trend for Derivatives. Certificate will be conferred by SAIF on students with 90% attendance rate and a final exam score of over 70.
2. Those whose cumulative scores achieve 80% in mock trading contest and final exam are eligible to enter the assessment where the top five will be granted scholarships:
¥1000*2, ¥2000*1,¥3000*1,¥5000*1 (before tax). Details rules will be released on the first day of the Summer Camp.

IV. Application process
1. Application deadline: July 15, 2011 (no late application will be accepted)
2. Process (application form by E-mail + paper documents by mail)

here to download the Application Form, and E-mail the finished Form to
Please indicate “Application to Tomorrow Fund Manager Summer Camp 2011: **University **(name)”.
Please print the finished Application Form and post it with the other paper documents indicated in Article II to the following address:
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Room 401, No.211, West Huaihai Road, Shanghai, 200030, China (上海市淮海西路211号上海交通大学上海高级金融学院达通广场401办公室, 邮编200030)
3. The enrollment list will be released after July 20, 2011 on the website of SAIF and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. If not notified, the applicants shall assume their application unsuccessful. 

V. Scale
Tomorrow Fund Manager Summer Camp 2011 will recruit 50 students 

VI. Expenses
1. The Summer Camp is fully funded by EUREX, whereas travel and accommodation in Shanghai will not be covered.
2. Enrolled students shall pay a deposit of
¥500/person. Please come to Room 401, No.211, West Huaihai Road, Shanghai to pay the deposit by July 30 in order to confirm your enrollment.
3. In case of special reasons that hinder your participation, you may withdraw from the Summer Camp by August 10. No late applications will be accepted.
4. The deposit of ¥500 will be returned to the students with full attendance, pursuant to the agreement of participation signed by students on the first day of the Summer Camp.

Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance reserves the right of interpretation of the Tomorrow Fund Manager Summer Camp 2011
Contact:Project team of Tomorrow Fund Manager Summer Camp
Website of SAIF
Address: Room 401, No.211, West Huaihai Road, Shanghai, China
Zip code