Lujiazui Forum 2012

活动时间:星期一, 2011-05-23 19:30 - 21:00

活动地点: Auditorium, 3/F, Datong Plaza

活动演讲人: Alan Seigrist

Forum Co-Hosts: 
Shanghai Municipal Government 
People’s Bank of China 
China Banking Regulatory Commission 
China Securities Regulatory Commission 
China Insurance Regulatory Commission 

Forum Co-Chairmen: 
ZHOU Xiaochuan, Governor, The People’s Bank of China 
HAN Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai

Thursday, June 28th

09:00 - 22:00
Registration Level 1, Main Hall, Grand Tower, Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai
Night Chat by the Huangpu (Pudong Shangri-La Hotel)

19:30 - 21:00 Dalian & Changchun Level 2, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu I: Growth Economies and the Global Economic Prospect In 2012, there will be leadership changes in many key economies. Despite a three-year low, the US unemployment rate is still above 8%, indicating a weak and slow recovery. Europe’s sovereign debt crisis and the banking crisis in some European countries not only revealed short-term risk but also highlighted the long-term economic ill-health caused by excessive social benefits. On the road to global economic recovery, will emerging markets become new growth engines? What will be the drivers of their growth? What risks are these economies now facing? How will the global financial markets facilitate faster growth in emerging markets? Chair: Andrew BROWNE China Editor, The Wall Street Journal & Dow Jones Newswires Panelists: ZHANG Jianhua Director-General, Research Bureau, The People’s Bank of China WU Enyuan Deputy Director, World Socialism Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences PENG Wensheng Chief Economist & Managing Director, China International Capital Corporation Limited Evgeny GAVRILENKOV Managing Director & Chief Economist, Troika Dialog QU Hongbin Managing Director & Chief Economist of Greater China, HSBC Chetan AHYA Managing Director, Asia Pacific & India Economist, Morgan Stanley

19:30 – 21:00 Kaifeng Level 3, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu II: Meeting the Financing Needs of Innovative companies Transformation of the economic growth mode was selected as the main theme of China’s 12th 5-year Plan. Only by making the transformation from low-efficiency manufacturing to innovation will China be able to realize sustainable growth. However innovative enterprises, due to their innovative business model, light assets and high risks, usually have financial needs that are different from those of the manufacturing sector. How shall China develop varied types of financial service institutions to serve innovative enterprises? How can traditional financial institutions benefit from an innovative economy? What reforms are needed to clear away the obstacles hobbling the financing of innovative enterprises? Chair: LU Hongjun President and Professor, Shanghai Institute of International Finance Panelists: HUANG Ming Professor of Finance, China Europe International Business School; Professor of Finance, Cornell University QIAN Xueyu CEO, Ideal Energy Equipment (Shanghai) Ltd. Ken WILCOX Chairman, Silicon Valley Bank Duane KUANG Founding Managing Director, QIMING Venture partners WANG Ren President of Asia and Head of Investment Banking and Capital Markets, Jefferies & Co ZHU Xinkun General Manager, Investment Banking Department, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank

19:30 – 21:00 Beijing Level 2, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu III: Developments of the OTC Stock Market in China Despite its rapid growth over the past 20 years, China’s securities market still lags far behind the country’s economic growth. For instance, at the beginning of 2012, more than 500 companies were waiting for IPO opportunities. Moreover, the lack of an OTC market makes it difficult to establish de-listing rules. An active OTC market is undoubtedly an indispensable part of a healthy securities market. How to encourage local governments to develop their OTC markets? How can China put in place a sound regulatory system for the healthy development of its OTC market? Any inspirations from the regulatory systems for small loan and guarantee companies? Chair: XU Quan Deputy Director-General, Financial Services Office, Shanghai Municipal Government Panelists: WU Guojun Deputy Director, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiaotong University XIE Geng Director, Market Supervision Department, China Securities Regulatory Commission ZHONG Guanhua Executive President, Tianjin Equity Exchange RUAN Lu Deputy Director, Financial Affairs Office, Chongqing Municipal People’s Government; Director-General , Chongqing Share Transfer Center ZHANG Yunfeng General Manager, Shanghai Equity Exchange Yeeli Hua ZHENG Chief Representative in China, NASDAQ OMX Group CHEN Qiwei Chairman, Private Equity Association of Shanghai

19:30 – 21:00 Shanghai Level 2, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu IV: Reforming Local Government Financing in China Under cover of the economic stimulus plan rolled out during the 2008 financial crisis, local governments rapidly accumulated a huge amount of debt, which drew the attention of regulators and triggered much debate on the reform of local government financing. Last year, issuance of local government bonds was piloted in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Shenzhen. Given the big role that local governments play in China’s economic and social development, what are the shortfalls in their current financing systems? How can China draw from other countries’ experience in the reform of local government financing as it has a state system that is different from other nations? How can we better leverage the financial system aside from fiscal and taxation policies? Chair: WANG Shuo Editor in Chief, Caixin Media Panelists: JIA Kang Director, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance WANG Jianping Vice Director General, Shanghai Municipal Development & Reform Commission WU Jiang Deputy Director, Business Development Department, China Development Bank Nelson GU Vice President, Shanghai Branch Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Frank GONG Managing Director, Chairman of China Diversified Industry Clients, Vice Chairman of China Investment Banking, J.P.Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited. Stephen GREEN Head of Research, Greater China, Standard Chartered Bank

Friday, June 29th
Opening & Plenary Session (Pudong Shangri-La Hotel)

07:15 - 08:00
Registration Level 1, Grand Tower, Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai

08:30 - 08:40 China Hall Level 3, Grand Tower
Opening Chair and Welcome Speech: ZHOU Xiaochuan Governor, The People’s Bank of China Co-Chairman of Lujiazui Forum 2012

08:40 - 09:00 China Hall Level 3, Grand Tower
Opening Keynote Speech Chinese National Leader (TBD)

09:00 - 10:40 China Hall Level 3, Grand Tower
Plenary Session I: Furthering China’s Financial Reform for the Real Growth of the Real Economy Chair: GUO Shuqing Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission Keynote Speeches: ZHOU Xiaochuan Governor, The People’s Bank of China SHANG Fulin Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission Chair: SHANG Fulin Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission Keynote Speeches: GUO Shuqing Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission XIANG Junbo Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission

10:40 - 11:00
Tea Break

11:00 - 12:30 China Hall Level 3, Grand Tower
Plenary Session II: Reforming the Global Financial Market and Regulatory Structure For A New Era The global financial crisis in 2008 caused a worldwide economic recession and turbulence that has not ended so far, a result of the irresponsible economic and financial policies over the years. What will be the key features of a new financial structure? What reforms are needed for all major economies and the EU? How shall the IMF, World Bank, Financial Stability Board, and Basel Committee work together for this purpose? What are the key obstacles to cross-country regulatory collaboration? How has the G20 delivered? What are the progresses so far and what need to be done? Chair: HUANG Ming Professor of Finance, China Europe International Business School; Professor of Finance, Cornell University Panelists: John LAKER Chairman, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority KIM Jong Hwa Deputy Governor, The Bank of Korea Ravi MENON Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore LI Yang Vice President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Frédéric OUDEA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Société Générale Steve ALMOND Chairman, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

12:40 – 13:40 Chang’An & Luoyang Level 3, River Wing
Luncheon Keynote Speech Chair: JIANG Zhuoqing Deputy Secretary General, Shanghai Municipal Government Keynote Speech: XIAO Gang Chairman, Bank of China

14:00 – 15:30 China Hall Level 3, Grand Tower
Plenary Session III: RMB Internationalization and the Globalization of China’s Financial Sector RMB internationalization, Chinese capital and financial firms going global and Shanghai’s rise as an international financial center will be three key trends in China’s financial sector over the next decade. Given the dissatisfaction with the current international monetary system and China’s No.2 position in world GDP and trade and its accumulation of a vast pile of FX reserves, the RMB seems to be both well positioned and much needed to become an international currency. Will China forge a consensus to accelerate RMB internationalization? What are roles for Hong Kong, London, Singapore and other leading financial centers to play in the process? What are the key obstacles? How can China’s financial institutions take advantage of the opportunities arising from RMB internationalization? Chair: SUN Lijian Vice Dean, School of Economics, Fudan University; Director, Financial Research Center, Fudan University Panelists: HU Xiaolian Deputy Governor, The People’s Bank of China WANG Hongzhang Chairman, China Construction Bank LI Peiyu Chairman, China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation Mark BOLEAT Chairman, Policy & Resources Committee, City of London LAWRENCE LEIBOWITZ Chief Operating Officer, NYSE Euronext Magnus BÖCKER Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Exchange Nicholas LARDY Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

15:30 – 16:00
Tea Break

16:00 – 17:30 China Hall Level 3, Grand Tower
Plenary Session IV: Toward An International Financial Center: Shanghai in the 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015) At the end of 2011, the NDRC unveiled its 12th Five-year Plan on making Shanghai an international financial center. These five years will be a period for Shanghai to make a number of breakthroughs and also a decisive period for achieving the goal in 2020. The city should make significant progress on many fronts including market size, financial innovation, financial reform and opening up. What factors will affect Shanghai’s ambition? How should Shanghai leverage RMB internationalization? How can synergies be created with the HK market? What financial innovations will become the priority? How can further reform of China’s financial system be accomplished? How does one promote interest rate and exchange rate liberalization? How can Shanghai’s soft environment be enhanced by improving regulation and the legal system? Chair: LI Jian’ge Chairman, China International Capital Corporation Limited Panelists: ZHANG Yun President, Agricultural Bank of China Youssef CASSIS Professor of Economic History, European University Institute TU Guangshao Vice Mayor of Shanghai Andrew STONER Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, State of New South Wales, Australia ZHU Xiaoming President, China Europe International Business School Reto FRANCIONI Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Börse AG

18:30 – 20:00 Chang’An & Luoyang Level 3, River Wing
Welcome Banquet Hosted by the Co-Chairmen: (VIP & Delegate Only) Chair: HONG Hao Secretary General, Shanghai Municipal Government Welcome Speech: HAN Zheng Mayor of Shanghai
Night Chat by the Huangpu (Pudong Shangri-La Hotel)

20:00 - 21:30 Kaifeng Level 3, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu V: Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Liberalization: Possible Measures in the Near-term With the growth of China’s market economy and its integration into the global market, interest rate and exchange rate liberalization has become the focal and difficult area of China’s market-oriented economic reforms. In March 2012, PBOC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan asserted, in an article, that the conditions are basically ready for promoting interest rate liberalization. How to evaluate the reform measures in interest rate and exchange rate liberalization so far? What are the opportunities and key moves in the near future? What risks and uncertainties will these reform measures bring about? How should regulators and companies adapt to a liberalized rate? Chair: LING Huawei Associate Managing Editor, Caixin Century Editorial Board Member, Caixin Media Panelists: XU Zhen Chairman of the Board, Shanghai Clearing House Nicholas LARDY Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics CHEN Zhiwu Professor of Finance, Yale School of Management; Chief Advisor, Permal Group Fred HU Chairman & Founder, Primavera Capital Group Helen QIAO Chief Economist of Greater China and Managing Director, Morgan Stanley ZHENG Anguo General Manager, Hwabao Investment Ltd.

20:00 - 21:30 Dalian & Changchun Level 2, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu VI: Promoting Financial Services for Small and Micro Enterprises Small and micro enterprises play a key role in boosting employment. They are also candidates for future competitive large and medium-sized enterprises. However, their financing needs are quite unique. How brave does China need to be to revamp its financial system so as to meet the needs of micro and small enterprises? What are the steps needed to encourage the development of PE, guarantee and small loan companies? Any international experience for reference? What are the roles for local governments? Chair: QIN Shuo Chief Editor, China Business News Panelists: LIAO Min Director General, Shanghai Office, China Banking Regulatory Commission FAN Yongjin Chairman, Shanghai AJ Corporation SHI Meiliang Vice President, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank Christopher DALO Global Head of Sales Management and Customer Offerings, SME Banking, Standard Chartered Bank YU Xiaodong Chairman, Shanghai Huijin Financing Guaranty Company LI Yinghui President, Shanghai Purang Financial Services Limited Company ZHANG Yufeng Chairman, Shanghai Songjiang Junhe Micro Credit Corporation

20:00 - 21:30 Beijing Level 2, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu VII: Financial Information Service and Capital Market Growth The capital market is information-intensive and a well-developed financial information service is indispensable for its healthy development. Information providers should therefore excel in information completeness, timeliness, reliability, as well as data mining. Compared to developed markets and the actual needs of China’s market, what are the gaps in the financial information service? What are the obstacles to better financial information? How can China’s information providers innovate to catch up? How will the internet influence financial information service? Chair: LU Guangjin Director-general, Foreign Institutions’ Information Service Bureau of State Council Information Office, The People’s Republic of China Panelists: DAVID SCHLESINGER Chairman, Thomson Reuters China Ee-Chuan NG CEO and General Manager, Bloomberg China Douglas TAYLOR Founder and Managing Partner, Burton-Taylor International Consulting LLC LU Feng Founder and Chairman, Shanghai Wind Information Co., Ltd. ZHANG Changhong Chairman and General Manager, Shanghai Great Wisdom Co., Ltd. QI Shi President & CEO, Eastmoney Information Co., Ltd.

20:00 - 21:30 Shanghai Level 2, River Wing
Night Chat by the Huangpu VIII: Financial Cooperation among the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong The Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan not only have a close economic and trade relationship, but also space for more financial cooperation. How will RMB internationalization affect cross-strait financial cooperation? What are the implications of a Hong Kong RMB offshore market? Given the current beneficial situation, what progress could be expected in financial cooperation between Mainland and Taiwan? What breakthroughs are needed? Any opportunities for Shanghai? How can Shanghai, Taipei and Hong Kong financial centers cooperate to create synergies? Chair: YUAN Man Senior Editor, CAIJING Magazine Panelists: HE Jianxiong Director-General, International Department, The People’s Bank of China TENG Lin Seng Chairman, Monetary Authority of Macao Samuel J.S. HSU President, Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation HUANG Hongyuan Executive Vice President, Shanghai Stock Exchange JIN Yu President & Deputy Chairman of the Board, Bank of Shanghai Paola SUBACCHI Research Director, International Economics, Chatham House

Saturday June 30th
Panel Session (Pudong Shangri-La Hotel)

09:00 – 10:30 (Shanghai-Paris Europlace Financial Forum) China Hall I Level 3, Grand Tower
Panel Session I: European Sovereign-debt Crisis, the Euro and Europe’s Economic Prospects The European sovereign debt crisis is full of thrills and twists, and the final outcome is still highly unpredictable. It is likely that the debt crisis evolve into a banking crisis in some countries. In addition to spotlighting Europe’s less-competitive cost structure, the crisis also exposed the Euro’s inner weakness. What are the prospects of the crisis and the Euro? What are the impacts on the world economy? How can Europe emerge from the crisis? How can its system be reformed to avoid another crisis of the Euro? How can some Euro-zone countries adjust and reform to regain global competitiveness? Chair: Jamil ANDERLINI Beijing Bureau Chief, Financial Times Panelists: XUAN Changneng Director-General, Financial Stability Bureau, The People’s Bank of China ZHANG Xiaoling Deputy Director General, Banking Supervision Department III, China Banking Regulation Commission Rafael Gil-TIENDA Chairman of Asia Pacific and Member of Senior Advisory Board, Oliver Wyman Hong Kong Jean BOISSINOT Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary, French Treasury; Secretary General, Corefris Laurent COURAUDON Country Head, Chairman of the Board of Directors, BNP Paribas (China) Ltd. Jean-Yves COLIN Senior Executive Advisor, Amundi Asset Management

09:00 – 10:30 China Hall II Level 3, Grand Tower
Panel Session II: Energy and Other Commodity Futures Markets The prices of large commodities such as gold, oil and agricultural products climbed to record highs, thanks to the volatile global situation and the Fed’s quantitative easing. Is financial capital pushing the price of large commodities to a level far beyond real-economy supply and demand? In the next few years, what will be the trend in key large commodities? What reforms and innovations should China undergo to make its domestic futures market one of the benchmarks in pricing large commodities? Are the conditions right for crude oil futures in China? Chair: BAI Liang Senior Journalist and Director of Financial News Center in Beijing, China Business News Panelists: YANG Maijun President and CEO, Shanghai Futures Exchange PENG Junheng Deputy Director-General, Department of Futures Supervision I, China Securities Regulatory Commission YAN Hong, Deputy Director and Professor, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiaotong University MA Wensheng Chairman, Xinhu Futures Co., Ltd. ZHAO Lei President, CITIC Newedge Futures Co., Ltd. Andrew WANG General Manager, China Precious Metals Department, Standard Bank

09:00 – 10:30 China Hall III Level 3, Grand Tower
Panel Session III: Paths of RMB Capital Account Convertibility RMB capital account convertibility is a must step of RMB internationalization, and a precondition for making Shanghai an international financial center. Recently, there have been more and more voices calling for an acceleration of RMB capital account convertibility, which is argued to be an important step to press ahead with other financial reforms. How far away is the RMB now from full convertibility? What are the obstacles? What possible breakthroughs are anticipated in the near future? How to harmonize the process with interest rate and exchange rate liberalization? What are the lessons and successful stories from other countries? Chair: Henny SENDER Chief Correspondent, International Finance, Financial Times Panelists: SHENG Songcheng Director-General, Department of Statistics & Analysis, The People’s Bank of China PEI Chuanzhi President, China Foreign Exchange Trade System ZHOU Yuan Member of Executive Committee and Chief Strategy Officer, China Investment Corporation Andy XIE Independent Economist; Director, Rosetta Stone Capital Limited HE Dong Executive Director (Research), Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chun CHANG Executive Director, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

09:00 – 10:30 Chang’An Level 3, River Wing
Panel Session IV: Local Financial Regulatory Capabilities and Risk Management The national financial work conference earlier this year decided to improve the local finance administration system. The regulatory responsibilities have primarily been delegated to local governments for the administration of PE, small loan, financing guarantee companies as well as assets and equity exchanges. How can the status quo of the local finance administration be evaluated? What should be the ideal relationship between central and local regulators to ensure both flexibility and effectiveness? Which items should be delegated to local governments? How to build up the capacity of local financial regulators while maintaining their independence? Chair: YANG Yanqing Deputy Editor-in-Chief, China Business News Panelists: WANG Hong Director-General, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work DU Qiang Director, Financial Affairs Office, Tianjin Municipal People’s Government DING Minzhe Vice Secretary-General, Zhejiang Provincial Government Director, Financial Affairs Office, Zhejiang Provincial Government ZHOU Gaoxiong Director General, Office of Finance, People’s Government of Guangdong Province LIU Guangxi Party Secretary and Director, Finance Office, Yunnan Provincial People Government FANG Xinghai Director-General, Financial Services Office, Shanghai Municipal Government
FEI Fangyu Vice Dean and Professor, China Academy of Financial Research, Shanghai Jiaotong University

09:00 – 10:30 Luoyang Level 3, River Wing
Panel Session V: Maritime Finance in China Modern finance has its root in the development of the shipping industry. Shanghai attributes most of its modern success to the fact that it is a prime sea port. The interaction between the shipping and finance sectors is critical to Shanghai’s development. What is the status quo of the shipping finance? How effective are such pilot innovations as financial leasing, shipping freight index trading and business tax exemption for shipping insurance? What are the required innovations and policy breakthroughs? What can Shanghai learn from London, Hong Kong and Singapore? How can financial institutions better serve the shipping industry? Chair: YU Shicheng Party Committee Secretary, Shanghai Maritime University Panelists: ZHOU Yanli Vice Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission SU Min Chief Accountant, China Shipping (Group) Company WANG Yincheng President, PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited ZHANG Ye Chairman, Shanghai Shipping Exchange Mathis CABIALLAVETTA Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swiss Re ZHANG Xing Chairman, Dazhong Insurance Co., Ltd. LU Tao General Manager, Corporate Banking, Bank of Communications

10:30 – 10:50

Tea Break

10:50 – 12:30 (Shanghai-Paris Europlace Financial Forum) China Hall I Level 3, Grand Tower
Panel Session VI: Sino-European Financial Cooperation and RMB’s Roles China and the EU are important trade partners and also have ample opportunity for financial cooperation. What will be the role of China, with its huge FX reserves, as the world looks on for a solution to the European debt crisis? Shall China include more Euro assets in its FX reserves, such as equities and bonds of European companies? How can Chinese financial institutions explore into the European markets to better support Chinese firms going global? How can RMB internationalization make a possible breakthrough in Europe? Chair: HE Gang Managing Editor, CAIJING Magazine Panelists: Denis BEAU Director General Operations, Member of the Executive Committee, Banque de France Bernard POIGNANT China Advisor, Paris EUROPLACE; Senior Advisor, Paris Branch, Bank of China John McCORMICK Chairman and CEO of Markets & International Banking, Asia Pacific RBS Group SHI Wenchao Secretary General, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors Arnaud de BRESSON Managing Director, Paris EUROPLACE Humbert de WENDEL Treasurer, Total Group WANG Tao Managing Director, Head of China Economic Research, UBS

10:50 – 12:30 China Hall II Level 3, Grand Tower
Panel Session VII: Future of China’s Bond Market Despite the progress in recent years, the bond market has been a big weakness of China’s financial market. Why is that? What are the institutional obstacles to the bond market? Is now the right time for treasury bond futures? What are the issues for the launch of high-yield bonds? Which companies should be encouraged to issue bonds? How can trustworthy credit rating agencies be developed? Chair:
WU Xiaoling Member of the Standing Committee and Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee, The National People’s Congress, The People’s Republic of China Panelists: QI Bin Director General, Research Center, China Securities Regulatory Commission LIU Shian Executive Vice President, Shanghai Stock Exchange ZHU Yuchen CEO, China Financial Futures Exchange ZHANG Yi Vice President, China Foreign Exchange Trade System WANG Kaiguo Chairman, Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. GAO Feng President, Deutsche Bank China Ping CHEW Managing Director and Head of Greater China, Standard & Poor’s

10:50 – 12:30 China Hall III Level 3, Grand Tower
Panel Session VIII: Innovation in the Insurance Market and China’s Pension System Perfecting its pension system has been a long-term challenge for China. Given the climbing dependency ratio, the challenge will become more prominent. How can funds be raised to fix the hole in the pension system? How can pension funds be better managed through effective portfolio management? After three years of debate, will the highly-expected tax-deferred pension scheme be rolled out in the near future? What are the innovations needed in the insurance market to better serve those who have retired? Chair: XU Wenhu Professor, Insurance Department, Fudan University Panelists: CHEN Wenhui Vice Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission LI Chunping President, Changjiang Pension Insurance Co., Ltd. DU Yongmao Chairman & CEO, Ping An Annuity Insurance Company of China Ltd. John DACEY Vice Chairman, Asia Pacific, AXA Group Bob PEI CEO, Metlife China Steven CHANG CEO, Greater China, Munich Re John CAI CEO, AIA China

10:50 – 12:30 Chang’An Level 3, River Wing
Panel Session IX: Shanghai As An Asset Management Center With the rapid growth of social wealth, there is a great need for more sophisticated wealth management services. According to the Plan on Making Shanghai an International Financial Center (2011-2015) issued by the NDRC, Shanghai is to become an asset and wealth management center. Financial institutions must become more specialized, innovative and differentiated to meet potential needs. Saddled with the pressure of cooling housing prices, the poor performance of the stock market and inflation risk, how can residents effectively manage their wealth? What are the problems with today’s wealth management competition? What are the status quo and future of cross-border investment? How can risk management regulations associated with innovation be enhanced? Most importantly, how can investors’ interests be protected? Chair: Jason SUBLER Shanghai Bureau Chief, Reuters News, Thomson Reuters Panelists: WANG Zhe Chairman and President, Shanghai Gold Exchange GUO Tianyong Professor, Central University of Finance and Economics WANG Shuidi Deputy General Manager, Private Banking, Agricultural Bank of China QIAN Jun CEO, Hwabao Trust Co.,Ltd HE Yong Vice President, Ping An Trust Co., Ltd. Gary LIU Executive Deputy Director, CEIBS Lujiazui Institute of International Finance
WANG Jingbo Initiator, President and CEO, Noah Holdings Limited

10:50 – 12:30 Luoyang Level 3, River Wing
Panel Session X: New Opportunities for PE Cross-border Investment China’s economy has developed to a level that global resources must be capitalized on for further growth. In addition, the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis offer great opportunities for Chinese enterprises. What role can PE play in outbound M&As by Chinese companies as well as those by overseas companies in China? What changes are needed in government policies to further develop cross-border investment? Shanghai piloted Qualified Foreign Limited Partners (QFLP) in recent years. How can Shanghai leverage the opportunity to become a PE center in China and the Asia Pacific? Chair: LI Bin Vice Editor-in-Chief, Shanghai Securities News Panelists: WANG Zongnan Chairman, Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd Nick GOOD Managing Director, Head of Strategy and Business Development, Asia-Pacific, BlackRock Henry CAI Executive Chairman of Corporate Finance, Asia; Member of Asia Pacific Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank Neil SHEN Founding Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China John ZHAO Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Hony Capital Richard ZHANG Partner and Head of Greater China, Apax Partners HAN Weiwen Partner, Bain & Company
