Dialogues with Paul Volcker at the 2012 International Finance Forum

活动时间:星期五, 2010-11-12 10:30 - 12:00

活动地点: Room 505, Datong Building, 211 West Huaihai Road, SAIF

活动演讲人: Jay WANG


Theme: Financial Reform and Economic Recovery
Organizer: International Finance Forum
Sponsors: China Times, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Academy of Financial Research of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Collaborative media: CCTV, PhoenixTV, iFeng.com, China Business News, FT Chinese
Hostess: Vie Tseng from Phoenix TV


09:00-09:05 Greeting Address by Cheng Siwei
Shen Banquet Hall, 4/F

09:05-09:10 Greeting Address by Tu Guangshao
Shen Banquet Hall, 4/F

09:10-09:25 Keynote Speech "Financial Reform and Economic Recovery"
Paul Volcker
Shen Banquet Hall, 4/F

09:25-10:50 Special Dialogue: Solution to Global Economic Recovery
Hostess: Vie Tseng
Guests: Paul Volcker, Cheng Siwei, Zhu Min, Chang Chun, and Gregory Dean Gibb
Shen Banquet Hall, 4/F

10:50-11:10 Tea Break
Shen Reception Zone, 4/F

11:10-12:30 Special dialogue: China through Volcker’s Eye: China’s Financial Reform in a New Global Economy
Hostess: Vie Tseng
Guests: Paul Volcker, Dai Xianglong, David Dollar, Liu Xinyi, Zhu Ning, and Shui Pi
Shen Reception Zone, 4/F

12:30-12:35 Summary Address
Ma Dexiu
Shen Banquet Hall, 4/F