发布时间:2020-02-11 浏览次数:7707次

      交大高金职业发展中心已经复工,目前采取的远程办公形式,职位系统将一直保持开放状态。职业发展中心会及时发布或定向对交大高金学生予以推荐。 视疫情管控进展情况,安排各种形式的线上以及调整线下校企合作形式,有序推进学生实习、就业等后续事宜进展。

    “ 在上次新闻发布会上,市政府明确本市各级各类学校2月17日前不开学。现在,根据疫情发展情况,为确保学生安全,决定本市各级各类学校2月底前不开学,并将密切跟踪疫情发展,及时作出研判。开学时间一经确定,将提前向社会公布,以留出时间方便师生家长作出合理安排。开学前这段时间,学校将向学生提供学习材料和学习建议,开展心理健康辅导,并鼓励学生进行适当体育运动和家务劳动,保持学校和学生之间的联系和互动。同时,市教委正在会同各区教育局指导各级各类学校做好细致全面的开学方案和准备工作,加快落实利用信息技术开展网络在线教育教学活动的准备。另外,经市政府同意,市培训市场综合治理工作联席会议已于1月23日发布过通告,各培训机构和托育机构在2月底前暂缓开展线下服务。”——上海发布

张洁玮老师,电话:15921905646 邮箱:jwzhang@saif.sjtu.edu.cn; 微信:15921905646

徐亚华老师,电话:13482564664 邮箱:yhxu@saif.sjtu.edu.cn;微信:13482564664
王媛媛老师,电话:13162778897 邮箱:yywang@saif.sjtu.edu.cn;微信:13162778897

肖洁老师,电话:13482532116 邮箱:jxiao@saif.sjtu.edu.cn;微信:13482532116

王嘉老师,电话:13817699065 邮箱:jwang5@saif.sjtu.edu.cn;微信:13817699065


Dear Employers,

      Thank you very much for the support on SAIF CDC at Shanghai Jiao Tong University over the past.  By the official notification from the Shanghai Education Commission (SEC), the earliest Shanghai schools will be permitted to resume is the end of February due to the Coronavirus outbreak. However, the SEC emphasized that the situation remains fluid. They will make a further judgement regarding the re-opening of school in the coming weeks. Once a re-opening date has been confirmed, we will share with you promptly. 
      The closure of the campus will have impact on the graduating students’ on-site written interviews and internships, as well as may take them longer to get the required forms stamped by the university and delay the submission of required documents, such as three-side agreements.  Thank you very much for the understanding and support. 
      For the current SAIF students who have winter internship, we suggest them to contact their employers and supervisors directly to see whether it is possible to work remotely until the campus resumes or delay the starting time. 
      The SAIF CDC is now open for services from February 10, 2020.  Though we work from home until the spring semester starts, our responsibility has not changed, only how we serve our responsibility.  The sincerity to which we have accepted our current situation has allowed us to galvanize around a new way of partnering with recruiters that embraces the best traditions and new technologies – virtual events. We will continue to inquire into and to do our best to account for the unique circumstances. 
      The Coronavirus outbreak is a major event with significant disruption and ramifications for us.  We close in gratitude and in hope that this situation will find solutions and that what we learn from this situation will have meaning for our future.

For general inquiry and assistance, please contact
Kathleen Zhang
Email: jwzhang@saif.sjtu.edu.cn
Mobile: 86-15921905646

For the graduation procedure and three-side agreement of MF2020, please contact
Yahua Xu
Email: yhxu@sai f.sjtu.edu.cn
Mobile: 86-13482564664

Yuanyuan Wang
Email: yywang@saif.sjtu.edu.cn
Mobile: 86- 13162778897

For the graduation procedure and three-side agreement of FMBA2020, please contact
Flora Xiao
Email: jxiao@saif.sjtu.edu.cn
Mobile: 86- 13482532116

For events and job posting, please contact
Jia Wang
Email: jwang5@saif.sjtu.edu.cn
Mobile: 86- 13817699065
  Career Development Center
                                                                                 Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
                                                                                          Shanghai Jiao Tong University