张晓君教授的研究领域涵盖财务报表分析、财务会计理论、国际会计。他在Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics等重要学术期刊上发表多篇论文。他也参与Financial Statement Analysis and Equity Valuation一书的编著,广受好评。因其在专业领域的杰出表现,张晓君教授也获得了各类奖助。
张晓君教授是国际会计准则委员会和美国会计协会的成员。他也是Review of Accounting Studies的编委。
1. Dong, Minyue, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2018. Selective Trading of Available-for-Sale Securities: Evidence from U.S. Commercial Banks, European Accounting Review.
2. Levi, Shai, and Xiao-Jun Zhang . 2015. Asymmetric decrease in liquidity trading before earnings announcements and the announcement return premium, Journal of Financial Economics.
3. Levi, Shai, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2015. Do Temporary Increases in Information Asymmetry Affect the Cost of Equity?, Management Science.
4. Zhang, Xiao-Jun. 2013. Book-to-market Ratio and Skewness of Stock Return, The Accounting Review.
5. Dong, Minyue, Stephen Ryan, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2013. Preserving amortized costs within a fair-value-accounting framework: reclassification of gains and losses on available-for-sale securities upon realization, Review of Accounting Studies.
6. Fan, Qintao, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2012. Accounting Conservatism, Aggregation, and Information Quality, Contemporary Accounting Research.
7. Zhang, Xiao-Jun. 2011. Information relevance, reliability and disclosure, Review of Accounting Studies.
8. You, Haifeng, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2011. Limited attention and stock price drift following earnings announcements and 10-K filings, China Finance Review International.
9. You, Haifeng, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2008. Financial reporting complexity and investor underreaction to 10-K information, Review of Accounting Studies.
10. Liang, Pierre Jinghong, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2008. Information Economics and Accounting Measurement: a Blueprint for Scholarly Research, 中国会计评论.
11. Liang, Pierre Jinghong, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2006. Accounting Treatment of Inherent versus Incentive Uncertainties and the Capital Structure of the Firm, Journal of Accounting Research.
12. Zhang, Xiao-Jun. 2005. Discussion of “Conservatism, Growth and the Role of Accounting Numbers in Fundamental Analysis Process”, Review of Accounting Studies.
13. Trueman, Brett, M. H. Franco Wong, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2003. Anomalous stock returns around internet firms’ earnings announcements, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
14. Penman, Stephen H., and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2002. Accounting Conservatism, the Quality of Earnings, and Stock Returns, The Accounting Review.
15. Zhang, Xiao-Jun. 2002. Discussion of “Excess Returns to R&D-Intensive Firms”, Review of Accounting Studies.
16. Zhang, Xiao-Jun. 2002. Revenue Recognition in a Multiperiod Agency Model, Journal of Accounting Research.
17. Trueman, Brett, M. H. Franco Wong, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2001. Back to Basics: Forecasting the Revenues of Internet Firms, Review of Accounting Studies.
18. Zhang, Xiao-Jun. 2000. Conservative accounting and equity valuation, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
19. Thomas, Jacob, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2000. Identifying unexpected accruals: a comparison of current approaches, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
20. Trueman, Brett, M. H. Franco Wong, and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 2000. The Eyeballs Have it: Searching for the Value in Internet Stocks, Journal of Accounting Research.
21. Ohlson, James A., and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 1999. On the Theory of Forecast Horizon and Equity Valuation, Journal of Accounting Research.
22. Ohlson, James A., and Xiao-Jun Zhang. 1998. Accrual Accounting and Equity Valuation, Journal of Accounting Research.