




阎志鹏教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院教授、MBA项目联席学术主任、上海工商管理专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员。阎志鹏教授曾担任新泽西理工学院Martin Tuchman管理学院副院长、金融学教授(终身教职),以及中欧国际工商学院客座教授。阎志鹏教授曾任职于多家全球和国内知名金融机构,包括贝莱德建信理财有限责任公司高级投资策略师、上海橘颂资产管理有限公司总经理、光大期货有限公司资产管理部总经理、纽约千禧年合伙人有限公司研究员,以及大鹏证券投资银行部上海总部投资经理等。

阎志鹏教授的主要研究领域包括投资者教育与保护、养老金融与规划、行为金融学、投资策略、ESG、金融科技、财富管理。迄今已在Journal of Banking and Finance,Journal of Futures Markets,Financial Analysts Journal,Journal of Portfolio Management,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,Journal of Behavioral Finance,《管理科学学报》等国内外金融学术期刊发表高水平国际学术论文30余篇。其论文曾获得美国中西部金融协会2007年最佳公司金融论文奖。此外,阎志鹏教授还著有《反思华尔街》(2009年,商务印书馆)、《疯子、骗子和傻子-第三只眼看投资》(2015年,商务印书馆)、《三个存钱罐-金融学教授的儿童财商启蒙课》(2022年,电子工业出版社)、《投资密码-脑洞大开的投资智慧》(2022年,商务印书馆)、《三十年后,你的钱够花吗?》(2024年,电子工业出版社)等书籍。


  • 期刊论文

    1. Shibo Bian, Iftekhar Hasan, Xunxiao Wang and Zhipeng yan. 2024. Do Markets Value Manager-Investor Interaction Quality? Evidence from IPO Returns, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.

    2. Renxuan Wang, Xuewu Wang, Zhipeng Yan. 2024. Sustainable success: How high ESG ratings affect stock market responses to earnings surprises, Finance Research Letters.

    3. 阎志鹏. 2023. 论个人养老金制度建设三大“发力点”, 中国外汇.

    4. 童雪敏,阎志鹏,祝国桥. 2022. 从国际经验视角浅析如何多方合力提升投资者金融素养, 中国银行业.

    5. Chang, Jasmine Aichih, Michael N.Katehakis, Jim Junmin Shi, and Zhipeng Yan. 2021. Blockchain-Empowered Newsvendor Optimization, International Journal of Production Economics.

    6. Bian, Shibo, Dekui Jia, Ruihai Li, Wujun Sun, Zhipeng Yan, and Yingfei Zheng. 2021. Can management tone predict IPO performance? – Evidence from mandatory online roadshows in China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

    7. Shen, Yao, and Zhipeng Yan. 2021. Systematic prediction of drug resistance caused by transporter genes in cancer cells, Scientific Reports.

    8. 卞世博,管之凡,阎志鹏. 2021. 答非所问与市场反应:基于业绩说明会的研究, 管理科学学报.

    9. Gao, Xuechen, Xuewu Wang, and Zhipeng Yan. 2020. Attention: Implied Volatility Spreads and Stock Returns, Journal of Behavioral Finance.

    10. Yan, Zhipeng, Yan Zhao, and Ming Fang. 2020. Immediate and Subsequent Market Responses to Earnings Announcements, China Accounting and Finance Review.

    11. Jondeau, Eric, Xuewu Wang, Zhipeng Yan, and Qunzi Zhang. 2020. Skewness and Index Futures Return, Journal of Futures Markets.

    12. Lei, Qin, Xuewu Wang, and Zhipeng Yan. 2020. Volatility Spread and Stock Market Response to Earnings Announcements, Journal of Banking & Finance.

    13. 卞世博,阎志鹏. 2020. “答非所问”与IPO市场表现 ——来自网上路演期间的经验证据, 财经研究.

    14. 卞世博,贾德奎,阎志鹏. 2020. 招股说明书负面语调与IPO 表现, 系统管理学报.

    15. Cheng, Lee-Young, Yi-Chen Su, Zhipeng Yan, and Yan Zhao. 2019. Corporate governance and target price accuracy, International Review of Financial Analysis.

    16. Li, Ruihai, Xuewu Wang, Zhipeng Yan, and Yan Zhao. 2019. Sophisticated Investor Attention and Market Reaction to Earnings Announcements: Evidence From the SEC's EDGAR Log Files, Journal of Behavioral Finance.

    17. Li, Ruihai, Xuewu Wang, Zhipeng Yan, and Qunzi Zhang. 2019. Trading against the Grain: When Insiders Buy High and Sell Low, The Journal of Portfolio Management.

    18. 贾德奎,李瑞海,冯琪,阎志鹏. 2019. 家庭特征、金融知识与投资风险容忍度——基于CFPS调查数据的研究, 南大商学评论.

    19. Wang, Xuewu, Zhipeng Yan, Qunzi Zhang, and Xuechen Gao. 2018. Investor attention and stock market under‐reaction to earnings announcements: Evidence from the options market, Journal of Futures Markets.

    20. Yan, Zhipeng, Lee-Young Cheng, Chung-Yuan Huang, and Yan Zhao. 2016. Daily Short Covering Activity and the Weekend Effect: Evidence from Taiwan,, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

    21. Cheng, Lee-young, Zhipeng Yan, Yan Zhao, and Li-Min Gao. 2015. Investor Inattention and Underreaction to Repurchase Announcements, Journal of Behavioral Finance.

    22. Yan, Zhipeng, and Yan Zhao. 2013. International Diversification: Simple or Optimization Strategies?, International Journal of Finance & Economics.

    23. Yan, Zhipeng, Yan Zhao, Wei Xu, and Lee-Young Cheng. 2012. Earnings Response Elasticity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift, Journal of Asset Management.

    24. Yan, Zhipeng, Yan Zhao, and Libo Sun. 2012. Industry Herding and Momentum, Journal of Investing.

    25. Cheng, Lee-young, Zhipeng Yan, Yan Zhao, and Wei-fang Chang. 2012. Short Selling Activity, Price Efficiency and Fundamental Value of IPO Stocks, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.

    26. Yan, Zhipeng, and Yan Zhao. 2011. When Two Anomalies Meet: The Post—Earnings Announcement Drift and the Value—Glamour Anomaly, Financial Analysts Journal.

    27. 高洪满,阎志鹏. 2011. 第三方支付牌照与银行面临的问题和对策, 新金融.

    28. Bulan, Laarni, Sanyal Paroma, and Zhipeng Yan. 2010. A Few Bad Apples: An Analysis of CEO Performance Pay and Firm Productivity, Journal of Economics and Business.

    29. Yan, Zhipeng, and Yan Zhao. 2010. A New Methodology of Measuring Firm Life-cycle Stages, International Journal of Economic Perspectives.

    30. Bulan, Laarni, and Zhipeng Yan. 2010. Firm Maturity and the Pecking Order Theory, International Journal of Business and Economics.

    31. Yan, Zhipeng, and Yan Zhao. 2010. New Evidence on Value Investing in Emerging Equity Markets, Applied Financial Economics Letters.

    32. Shughart, William, Robert Tollison, and Zhipeng Yan. 2003. Rent Seeking into the Income Distribution, Kyklos.

    33. 阎志鹏,胡震娅. 2000. “入世”对我国专业外贸企业的影响及发展对策, 国际贸易问题.

    34. 阎志鹏,胡震娅. 2000. 价格表演的潜台词, 价格理论与实践.

    35. 乔蔚,阎志鹏. 2000. 国企改革生死劫, 改革先声.

    36. 阎志鹏,俞自由. 1999. 储蓄,证券,人寿保险的比较, 金融参考.

    37. 阎志鹏,李松涛,蔡昱晨. 1999. 如何认识外贸代理制?, 对外经贸实务.

    38. 阎志鹏,李松涛,俞自由. 1999. 网络保险的实践与展望, 上海金融.

  • 科研项目

    1. 阎志鹏,Sustainable Success: How High ESG Ratings Affect Stock Market Responses to Earnings Announcements ,其他-项目研究,其他-高金可持续投资研究中心

  • 著作
    • 三十年后,你的钱够花吗?


    • 三个存钱罐:金融学教授的儿童财商启蒙课


    • 投资密码 —— 脑洞大开的投资智慧


    • 疯子、骗子与傻子——第三只眼看投资


    • 反思华尔街


  • 案例

    王任轩,阎志鹏,赵玲. 2024. 青山股份:伦镍市场的逼空风暴.



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