




修教授已在EconometricaJournal of Political EconomyJournal of FinanceReview of Financial StudiesJournal of the American Statistical Association, 以及Annals of Statistics发表了研究成果。他是Journal of Financial Econometrics的共同主编, the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Management ScienceJournal of Econometrics, the Econometrics Journal, 以及 the Review of Asset Pricing Studies的副主编。因其研究,他获得了多项荣誉,包括金融计量经济协会会士、Journal of Econometrics会士、瑞士金融学院杰出论文奖、AQR Insight Award和欧洲金融协会年会最佳会议论文等。他还入选了Poets & Quants发布的2023年全球40位40岁以下最佳MBA教授名单。

  • 期刊论文

    1. Stefano Giglio, Bryan T. Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. 2022. Factor Models, Machine Learning, and Asset Pricing, Annual Review of Financial Economics.

    2. Giglio, Stefano, and Dacheng Xiu. 2021. Asset Pricing with Omitted Factors, Journal of Political Economy.

    3. Gu, Shihao, Bryan Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. 2021. Autoencoder Asset Pricing Models, Journal of Econometrics.

    4. Giglio, Stefano; Liao, Yuan, and Dacheng Xiu. 2021. Thousands of Alpha Tests, Review of Financial Studies.

    5. Da, Rui, and Dacheng Xiu. 2021. When Moving-Average Models Meet High-Frequency Data: Uniform Inference on Volatility, Econometrica.

    6. Gu, Shihao, Bryan Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. 2020. Empirical Asset Pricing via Machine Learning, Review of Financial Studies.

    7. Yacine, Aït-Sahalia, Ilze Kalnina, and Dacheng Xiu. 2020. High-Frequency Factor Models and Regressions, Journal of Econometrics.

    8. Feng, Gavin, Stefano Giglio, and Dacheng Xiu. 2020. Taming the Factor Zoo: A Test of New Factors, Journal of Finance.

    9. Yacine, Aït-Sahalia, and Dacheng Xiu. 2019. A Hausman Test for the Presence of Market Microstructure Noise in High Frequency Data, Journal of Econometrics.

    10. Li, Jia, Yunxiao Liu, and Dacheng Xiu. 2019. Efficient Estimation of Integrated Volatility Functionals via Multiscale Jackknife, Annals of Statistics.

    11. Dai, Chaoxing, Kun Lu, and Dacheng Xiu. 2019. Knowing Factors or Factor Loadings, or Neither? Evaluating Estimators of Large Covariance Matrices with Noisy and Asynchronous Data, Journal of Econometrics.

    12. Yacine, Aït-Sahalia, and Dacheng Xiu. 2019. Principal Component Analysis of High Frequency Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association.

    13. Amengual, Dante, and Dacheng Xiu. 2018. Resolution of Policy Uncertainty and Sudden Declines in Volatility, Journal of Econometrics.

    14. Shephard, Neil, and Dacheng Xiu. 2017. Econometric Analysis of Multivariate Realized QML: Estimation of the Covariation of Equity Prices under Asynchronous Trading, Journal of Econometrics.

    15. Kalnina, Ilze, and Dacheng Xiu. 2017. Nonparametric Estimation of the Leverage Effect: A Trade-off between Robustness and Efficiency, Journal of the American Statistical Association.

    16. Aït-Sahalia, Yacine; Xiu, Dacheng. 2017. Using Principal Component Analysis to Estimate a High Dimensional Factor Model with High Frequency Data, Journal of Econometrics.

    17. Song, Zhaogang, and Dacheng Xiu. 2016. A Tale of Two Option Markets: Pricing Kernels and Volatility Risk, Journal of Econometrics.

    18. Li, Jia, and Dacheng Xiu. 2016. Generalized Method of Integrated Moments with High Frequency Data, Econometrica.

    19. Fan, Jianqing, Alex Furger, and Dacheng Xiu. 2016. Incorporating Global Industrial Classification Standard into Portfolio Allocation: A Simple Factor- Based Large Covariance Matrix Estimator with High Frequency Data, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

    20. Yacine, Aït-Sahalia, and Dacheng Xiu. 2016. Increased Correlation Among Asset Classes: Are Volatility or Jumps to Blame, or Both? , Journal of Econometrics.

    21. Xiu, Dacheng. 2014. Hermite Polynomial based Expansion of European Option Prices, Journal of Econometrics.

    22. Fan, Jianqing, Lei Qi, and Dacheng Xiu. 2014. Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of GARCH Models with Heavy-Tailed Likelihoods, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

    23. Yacine, Aït-Sahalia, Jianqing Fan, and Dacheng Xiu. 2010. High Frequency Covariance Estimates with Noisy and Asynchronous Financial Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association.

    24. Xiu, Dacheng. 2010. Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Volatility with High Frequency Data, Journal of Econometrics.

    25. Jingwen Jiang, Bryan Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. (Re-)Imag(in)ing Price Trends, Journal of Finance.

    26. Leland Bybee, Bryan Kelly, Asaf Manela, and Dacheng Xiu. Business News and Business Cycles, Journal of Finance.

    27. Dacheng Xiu and 342 coauthors. Non-Standard Errors, Journal of Finance.

  • 工作论文

    1. Yacine Aït-Sahalia, Jean Jacod, and Dacheng Xiu, 2023, Continuous-Time Fama-MacBeth Regressions.

    2. Jingwen Jiang, Bryan T. Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu, 2023, Expected Returns and Large Language Models.

    3. Stefano Giglio, Dacheng Xiu, and Dake Zhang, 2023, Prediction when Factors are Weak.

    4. Rui Da, Stefan Nagel, and Dacheng Xiu, 2022, The Statistical Limit of Arbitrage.

    5. Da, Rui and Dacheng Xiu, 2021, Disentangling Autocorrelated Intraday Returns.

    6. Stefano Giglio, Dacheng Xiu and Dake Zhang, 2021, Test Assets and Weak Factors.

    7. Ke, Tracy, Bryan Kelly and Dacheng Xiu , 2020, Predicting Returns with Text Data.
