


宋京生教授现任上海高级金融学院运营管理学特聘教授和美国杜克大学富卡商学院 R. David Thomas讲席教授, 也曾任教于美国哥伦比亚大学和加州大学尔湾分校。 她还曾在多所研究性大学做访问学者,包括加州大学柏克莱分校、康奈尔大学、新加坡国立大学、香港科技大学、香港中文大学,也曾在若干国内著名大学担任特聘教授, 如清华大学、复旦大学、同济大学和上海交通大学 (并曾任安泰学院运营系海外系主任)。


宋京生教授长期致力于供应链管理与运营战略领域的研究,研究方向包括供应链库存优化和韧性策略、按需组装系统和供应链灵活性、动态定价和库存控制、数据驱动的运营决策、供应链数字化、电子商务策略和网络设计,以及社会责任运营。她在顶级学术期刊上发表了许多文章, 也曾多次获得美国自然科学基金资助。

宋京生教授是美国运筹和管理科学学院士 (INFORMS Fellow),美国制造与服务运作管理协会院士 (MSOM Fellow)及前主席,国际顶级学术刊物Management Science 领域主编,Operations Research前领域主编。中国科学院外审专家,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院国家重大项目组成员。 2003年中国自然科学基金委海外杰出青年。2009年教育部长江讲座教授。曾获得过CSAMSE论文最佳奖和美国制造与服务运作管理协会的最佳服务奖。

  • 期刊论文

    1. N. Bora Keskin., Yuexing. Li, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2022. Data-driven dynamic pricing and ordering with perishable inventory in a changing environment, Management Science.

    2. Song, Jing-Sheng, Li Xiao, Hanqin Zhang, and Paul Zipkin. 2021. Smart policies for multi-source inventory systems and general tandem queues with order tracking and expediting, Operations Research.

    3. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Zhengliang Xue. 2021. Demand shaping through bundling and product configuration: a dynamic multiproduct inventory-pricing model, Operations Research.

    4. Wang, Yulan, Baozhuang Niu, Pengfei Guo, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2021. Direct sourcing or agent sourcing? Contract negotiation in procurement outsourcing, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    5. Mahyar Effekhar, Jing-Sheng Song, Scott Webster. 2021. Prepositioning and local purchasing for emergency operations under budget, demand, and supply uncertain, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    6. Tong, Jordan, Gregory DeCroix, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2020. Modeling payment timing in multiechelon inventory systems with applications to supply chain coordination, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    7. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Yue Zhang. 2020. Stock or print? Impact of 3D Printing on Spare Parts Logistics, Management Science.

    8. Song, Jing-Sheng, Geert-Jan van Houtum and Jan Van Mieghem. 2020. Capacity and inventory management: Review, trends, and projections, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    9. Chen, Xiangfeng, Gangshu Cai, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2019. The cash flow advantages of 3PLs as supply chain orchestrators, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    10. Zhao, Xuying, Arthur Lim, Hong Guo, Chao Ding and Jing-Sheng Song. 2019. Retail clusters in developing economies., Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    11. Liu, Fang, Tracy Lewis, Jing-Sheng Song, and N. Kuribko. 2019. Long term partnership for achieving efficient capacity allocation, Operations Research.

    12. Shang, Yan, David Dunson, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2017. Exploiting Big Data in Logistics Risk Assessment via Bayesian Nonparametrics, Operations Research.

    13. Ang, Marcus, Karl Sigman, Jing-Sheng Song, Hanqin Zhang. 2017. Closed-form approximations for optimal (r,q) and (S,T) policies in a parallel processing environment, Operations Research.

    14. Liu, Fang, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2017. Coordinating a semi-centralized global production network through different levels of headquarters involvement, Production and Operations Management.

    15. Song, Jing-Sheng, Li Xiao, Handqin Zhang, and Paul Zipkin. 2017. Optimal policies for a dual-sourcing inventory problem with endogenous stochastic lead times, Operations Research.

    16. Chen, Jiguang, Qiying Hu, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2017. Supply chain models with mutual commitments and implications for social responsibility, Production and Operations Management.

    17. Cheung, Ki Ling, Jing-Sheng Song, and Yue Zhang. 2017. Cost reduction through operations reversal, European Journal of Operational Research.

    18. Chen, Li, Jing-Sheng Song, and Yue Zhang. 2017. Serial inventory systems with Markov-modulated demand: Solution bounds, asymptotic analysis, and insights, Operations Research.

    19. Huang, Lu, Jing-Sheng Song, and Tong, Jordan. 2016. Supply Chain Planning for Random Demand Surges: Reactive Capacity and Safety Stock, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    20. Liu, Fang, Jing-Sheng Song, Jordan D. Tong. 2016. Building supply chain resilience through virtual stockpile pooling, Production and Operations Management.

    21. Li, Qingying, Pengfei Guo, Chun-Lun Lee, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2016. Equilibrium joining strategies and optimal control of a make-to-stock queue, Production and Operations Management.

    22. Bhimani, S., and Jing-Sheng Song. 2016. Gaps between research and practice in humanitarian logistics, Journal of Applied Business and Economics .

    23. Chen, Jiguang, Qiying Hu, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2016. Effect of partial cross ownership on supply chain performance, European Journal of Operational Research.

    24. Lu, Lijian, Jing-Sheng Song, and Hanqin Zhang. 2015. Optimal and asymptotically optimal policies for assemble-to-order N- and W-systems, Naval Research Logistics.

    25. Ang, Marcus, Jing-Sheng Song, Mingzheng Wang, and Hanqin Zhang. 2013. On Properties of Discrete (r,q) and (s,T) Inventory Systems, European Journal of Operational Research.

    26. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul Zipkin. 2013. Supply Streams, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    27. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 2012. Newsvendor Problems with Sequentially Revealed Demand Information, Naval Research Logistics.

    28. Liu, Fang, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2012. Good and Bad News about the (S,T) Policy, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    29. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 2011. An Approximation for the Inverse First-passage Time Problem, Advances in Applied Probability.

    30. Guo, Pengfei, Jing-Sheng Song, and Yulan Wang. 2010. Outsourcing Structures and Information Flow in a Three-tier Supply Chain, International Journal of Production Economics.

    31. Lu, Yingdong, Jing-Sheng Song, and Yao Zhao. 2010. No-Holdback Allocation Rules for Continuous-Time Assemble-to-Order Systems, Operations Research.

    32. Song, Jing-Sheng, Hanqin Zhang, Yumei Hou, and Mingzheng Wang. 2010. The Effect of Lead Time and Demand Uncertainties in (r, q) Inventory Systems, Operations Research.

    33. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Yao Zhao. 2009. The Value of Component Commonality in a Dynamic Inventory System with Lead Times, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    34. Shang, Kevin H., Jing-Sheng Song, and Paul H. Zipkin. 2009. Coordination Mechanisms in Decentralized Serial Inventory Systems with Batch Ordering, Management Science.

    35. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul Zipkin. 2009. Inventories with Multiple Supply Sources and Networks of Queues with Overflow Bypasses, Management Science.

    36. DeCroix, Gregory A., Jing-Sheng Song, and Paul H. Zipkin. 2009. Managing an Assemble-to-Order System with Returns, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    37. Bernstein, Fernando, Jing-Sheng Song, and Xiaona Zheng. 2009. Free Riding in a Multi-channel Supply Chain, Naval Research Logistics.

    38. Lu, Xiangwen, Jing-Sheng Song, and Kaijie Zhu. 2008. Analysis of Perishable-inventory Systems with Censored Data, Operations Research.

    39. Bernstein, Fernando, Jing-Sheng Song, and Xiaona Zheng. 2008. Bricks-and-mortar" VS "clicks-and-mortar, European Journal of Operational Research.

    40. Shang, Kevin H., and Jing-Sheng Song. 2007. Serial Supply Chains with Economies of Scale: Bounds and Approximations, Operations Research.

    41. Lu, Xiangwen, Jing-Sheng Song, and A. Regan. 2007. Rebate, Returns, and Price Protection Policies in Supply Chain Coordination, Iie Transactions.

    42. Lu, Xiangwen, Jing-Sheng Song, and A. Regan. 2006. Inventory Planning with Forecast Updates: Approximate Solutions and Cost Error Bounds, Operations Research.

    43. Shang, Kevin H., and Jing-Sheng Song. 2006. A Closed form Approximation for Serial Inventory Systems and Its Application to System Design, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    44. Lu, Xiangwen, Jing-Sheng Song, and Kaijie Zhu. 2005. On "the censored newsvendor and the optimal acquisition of information", Operations Research.

    45. DeCroix, Gregory, Jing-Sheng Song, and Paul Zipkin. 2005. A Series System with Returns: Stationary Analysis, Operations Research.

    46. Lu, Yingdong, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2005. Order-based Cost Optimization in Assemble-to-order Systems, Operations Research.

    47. Lu, Yingdong, J.S. Song and D.D. Yao. 2005. Backorder minimization in multiproduct assemble-to-order systems, Iie Transactions.

    48. Choi, Ki-Seok, J. G. Dai, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2004. On Measuring Supplier Performance under Vendor-managed-inventory Programs in Capacitated Supply Chains, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    49. Drezner, Zvi, Carlton Scott, and Jing‐Sheng Song. 2003. The Central Warehouse Location Problem Revisited, Ima Journal of Management Mathematics.

    50. Boyaci, T., G. Gallego, K. Shang, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2003. Erratum to Bounds in "Serial Production/Distribution Systems Under Service Constraints", Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    51. Dayanik, Savas, Jing-Sheng Song, and Susan H. Xu. 2003. The Effectiveness of Several Performance Bounds for Capacitated Production, Partial-order-service Assemble-to-order Systems, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    52. Shang, Kevin H., and Jing-Sheng Song. 2003. Newsvendor Bounds and Heuristic for Optimal Policies in Serial Supply Chains, Management Science.

    53. Lu, Yingdong, Jing-Sheng Song, and David D. Yao. 2003. Order Fill Rate, Leadtime Variability, and Advance Demand Information in an Assemble-to-order System, Operations Research.

    54. Song, Jing-Sheng. 2002. Order-based Backorders and Their Implications in Multi-item Inventory Systems, Management Science.

    55. Song, J.S. and D. D. Yao. 2002. Performance Analysis and Optimization of Assemble-to-Order Systems with Random Lead Times, Operations Research.

    56. Chen, Fangruo, and Jing-Sheng Song. 2001. Optimal Policies for Multi-echelon Inventory Problems with Markov-modulated Demand, Operations Research.

    57. Song, Jing-Sheng, Candace A. Yano, and Panupol Lerssrisuriya. 2000. Contract Assembly: Dealing with Combined Supply Lead Time and Demand Quantity Uncertainty, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

    58. Song, Jing-Sheng. 2000. A Note on Assemble-to-order Systems with Batch Ordering, Management Science.

    59. Song, Jing-Sheng, Susan H. Xu, and Bin Liu. 1999. Order-fulfillment Performance Measures in an Assemble-to-order System with Stochastic Leadtimes, Operations Research.

    60. Song, Jing-Sheng. 1998. On the Order Fill Rate in Multi-item, Base-stock Systems, Operations Research.

    61. So, Kut C., and Jing-Sheng Song. 1998. Price, Delivery Time Guarantees and Capacity Selection, European Journal of Operational Research.

    62. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 1996. Evaluation of Base-stock Policies in Multiechelon Inventory Systems with State-dependent Demands: Part II: State-dependent Depot Policies, Naval Research Logistics.

    63. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 1996. Managing Inventory with the Prospect of Obsolescence, Operations Research.

    64. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 1996. Inventory Control with Information about Supply Conditions, Management Science.

    65. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 1996. The Joint Effect of Leadtime Variance and Lot Size in a Parallel Processing Environment, Management Science.

    66. Song, Jing-Sheng. 1994. Understanding the Leadtime Effects in Stochastic Inventory Systems with Discounted Costs, Operations Research Letters.

    67. Song, Jing-Sheng. 1994. The Effect of Leadtime Uncertainty in a Simple Stochastic Inventory Model, Management Science.

    68. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 1993. Inventory Control in a Fluctuating Demand Environment, Operations Research.

    69. Song, Jing-Sheng, and Paul H. Zipkin. 1992. Evaluation of Base-stock Policies in Multiechelon Inventory Systems with State-dependent Demands: Part I: State-independent Policies, Naval Research Logistics.

    70. Song, Jing-Sheng. 1988. Continuous-time Markov Decision Processes with Non-uniformly Bounded Transition Rates, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series.

    71. Dong, Z., and Jing-Sheng Song. 1988. A Secondary Approach to the Discounted Model in Semi-Markov Decision Processes, Science Bulletin.

    72. Dong, Z., and Jing-Sheng Song. 1987. A Note on Continuous-time Markov Decision Processes with Undiscounted Cost Criterion, Science Bulletin.

  • 工作论文

    1. Jing-Sheng Song, Zhengliang Xue, Xiaobei Shen, 2021, Demand management and inventory control for substitutable products.

    2. N. Bora Keskin, Jing-Sheng Song, Xu Min, 2021, The nonstationary newsvendor: Data-driven nonparametric learning.

    3. Yue Zhang, Bram Westerweel, Jing-Sheng Song, Rob Basten, 2021, Distributed 3D printing of spare parts via IP licensing.

    4. Rong Li, Jing-Sheng. Song, Shuxiao Sun, Xiaona Zheng, 2021, Fight inventory shrinkage: Simultaneous learning of inventory level and shrinkage rate.

    5. Shuyu Chen, Jing-Sheng Song, Yehua Wei, 2021, Data-driven scalable e-commerce transportation network design with unknown flow response.

    6. Shaoxuan Liu, Zhenyang Shi, Jing-Sheng Song, 2020, Exploiting user base and product return data to optimize end-of-life spare parts supply.

    7. N, Bora Keskin, Jing-Sheng Song, Xu Min, 2020, A Geotemporal Clustering Model for COVID-19 Projection.

    8. Tang, Yu, and Jing-Sheng Song, 2019, Effect of Information Proximity on Multi-Tier Responsible Sourcing.
