陈旗现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院会计学访问研究教授、杜克大学工商管理学讲席教授。陈旗教授的研究兴趣在经济学、金融学和会计学的融合。陈教授重点研究信息和激励在金融市场和企业内部的作用,包括信息对企业投资决策的影响,激励对会计系统,公司治理和安全分析行为的影响。他最近的研究还涉及银行合并对公司信息披露行为的影响,以及中国股权分置改革和中国银行市场发展对中国公司财务政策和绩效的影响。他的研究已发表在领先的财务和会计期刊Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Accounting Research and Journal of Accounting and Economics。他教授财务报表分析和分析会计博士课程。
1. Chen, Qi, Z. Huang, X. Jiang, G. Zhang, and Y. Zhang. 2021. Asymmetric Reporting Timeliness and Informational Feedback, Management Science.
2. Chen, Qi, X. Jiang, and Y. Zhang. 2019. The Effects of Audit Quality Disclosure on Audit Effort and Investment Efficiency, The Accounting Review.
3. Chen, Qi and R. Vashishtha. 2017. The Effects of Bank Mergers on Corporate Information Disclosure, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
4. Chen, Qi, T. Lewis, K. Schipper, and Y. Zhang. 2017. Uniform vs. Discretionary Regime in Reporting Information with Unverifiable Precision and a Coordination Role, Journal of Accounting Research.
5. Chen, Qi, S. Dikolli, and W. Jiang. 2015. Career-Risk Concerns, Information Effort, and Optimal Pay-for-Performance Sensitivity, Journal of Management Accounting Research.
6. Chen, Qi, Z Huang, and Y Zhang. 2014. The Effects of Public Information with Asymmetrically Informed Short-horizon Investors, Journal of Accounting Research.
7. Chen Qi, Xiao Chen, Katherine Schipper, Yongxin Xu, and Jian Xue. 2012. The Sensitivity of Cash Holdings to Corporate Governance, Review of Financial Studies.
8. Chen, Qi, T Hemmer, and Y Zhang. 2011. On the Use of Loose Monitoring in Agencies, Review of Accounting Studies.
9. Chen, Qi, B Mittendorf, and Y Zhang. 2010. Endogenous Accounting Bias when Decision Making and Control Interact, Contemporary Accounting Research.
10. Chen, Qi, I Goldstein, and W Jiang. 2010. Payoff Complementarities and Financial Fragility: Evidence from Mutual Fund Outflows, Journal of Financial Economics.
11. Chen, Qi, I Goldstein, and W Jiang. 2008. Directors’ Ownership in the U.S. Mutual Fund Industry, Journal of Finance.
12. Chen, Qi, T Hemmer, and Y Zhang. 2007. On the Relation Between Conservatism in Accounting Standards and Incentives for Earnings Management, Journal of Accounting Research.
13. Chen, Qi, and W Jiang. 2007. Price Informativeness and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Price, Review of Financial Studies.
14. Chen, Qi, and Wei Jiang. 2006. Analysts’ Weighting of Private and Public Information, Review of Financial Studies.
15. Chen, Qi, Jennifer Francisa, and Wei Jiang. 2005. Investors Learning About Analyst Predictive Ability, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
16. Bushmana, Robert, Qi Chen, Ellen Engelc, and Abbie Smithc. 2004. Financial Accounting Information, Organization Complexity and Corporate Governance, Journal of Accounting & Economics.
17. Chen, Qi, and Wei Jiang. 2004. Positive Hurdle Rates Without Asymmetric Information, Finance Research Letters.
18. Chen, Qi. 2003. Cooperation in the Budgeting Process, Journal of Accounting Research.